I’ve been watching Game of Thrones since June. Only on Season 6, last few episodes. Tired of waiting. Tell me what all happens. Thank you.
Arya saves the world by killing the Ice King.
Danerys burns Kings Landing to ashes.
John Snow kills Danerys.
Brandon becomes King of the World.
The Imp survives.
Varys dies.
The Kingslayer and Cersei die hand-in-hand.
Other than that, not much.
This thread I started when I got to the finale way after the fact might be good reading.
Also the Hound and the Mountain fight each other pointlessly while the city burns around them and they both die. Brienne survives. Sansa becomes Queen in the North. Stannis dies (I think at the end of season 6). Gendry is legitimized and inherits House Baratheon.
Jon Snow is a Targaryen, not Ned’s biological son.
To be specific, he is Ned’s nephew, and Daenerys’ nephew, by Ned’s sister Lyanna and Dany’s brother Rhaegar (both died before or very shortly after Jon’s birth).
Thanks. What of Hodor, Theon, and Queen Marjorie ?
Hodor dies in the best death scene of the whole show. We learn that his name meant “Hold the door!”, which he heard through time as a child and caused his disability.
Queen Marjorie is blown up inside one of the towers. Cercei blows up their entire reserve of that Greek-fire like substance.
Theon dies just before Arya kills the Night King. He defends Bran from him and his bad guys.
Oh, and- Olenna Tyrell poisoned Joffrey.
And BRONN becomes Lord of Highgarden.
There’s . . . there’s a lot to take in.
I forgot about Sam.?
Jon Snow is stupid. No, stupider than that. Waaaay stupider than that.
Dany is no better.
Brienne and Arya get laid.
Air Superiority is better than having a bigger army.
Grand Maester. Having spent maaaybe a couple months in training at the Citadel?
By the same guy? Or maybe there was a threesome?