Some GoT S6 spoilers that were leaked: pretty big information for the last couple of episodes

Don’t worry, everything is nice and spoiler-boxed in this OP, with separate labels for different aspects of the information, and I am going to put in a big warning:

If you are the type of person who thinks ‘spoilers’ actually spoil your enjoyment of watching a show, don’t read this!

If you’re curious and don’t care about potential spoilers though, read on.

Now, the information here is by no means a comprehensive summary of everything that’s going to happen, but has a few very salient points which I’ll summarize with separate spoiler boxes. Basically, after some digging on Reddit I found a few posts which came from a source or sources who had inside knowledge of production or had somehow seen finished episodes ahead of time. Most of it comes from a Watchers on the Wall thread posted May 18 (between Ep. 4 and 5 airing). Everything in these posts has come true so far, so it seems like a pretty legitimate source of leaked information.

Source links:

Main points that haven’t happened yet:

  1. Rickon

“Ramsay and Jon meet across the battlefield. Ramsay releases Rickon and tells him to run toward his brother. As Rickon runs, Ramsay starts shooting arrows up in the air one at a time that keep missing him. Jon starts galloping toward Rickon but just as he reaches him, one of Ramsay’s arrow hits him and he dies in Jon’s arms. Sansa is the smart one. She tells Jon before the battle that Rickon is already dead.”

  1. Ramsay

[spoiler]“Jon chooses to imprison Ramsay rather than kill him.” (Rumour though is that Ramsay is eaten by his dogs in the next episode)

‘-Ramsay will be “meat for his hounds”.’

  1. Bran

[spoiler]“Bran has another vision of the tower of joy and we see Lyanna Stark… Lyanna whispers something to Ned before she dies. We then see a baby, and the very next scene we see Jon.”

Basically R+L = J confirmed.[/spoiler]

  1. Arya

‘-Arya serves Frey Pie at the Twins in episode 10. She kills Walder Frey.’

  1. Davos

“During this journey, Davos comes across Stannis’ old camp near Longlake, where Shireen was sacrificed. He finds the wooden stag-figure he made for her / remnants of it or something. He gets very pissed and confronts Melisandre about it. She admits doing it. Not sure what happens next. No mention of Stannis as far as I’m concerned.”

  1. Cersei/Tommen (probably the biggest spoiler of the bunch)

“There will be no Clegane-bowl this season. Cersei is apparently refused trial by combat, but she sets The Mountain loose on some Sparrows, which he kills. He also smashes Septa Unella. Not sure what happens to Loras or Margery, but Tommen kills himself. He apparently jumps out of a window in the Red Keep. Quyburn kills Pycelle at least (sends his “Birds”).”

I resisted the temptation. I resisted the temptation. I resisted the temptation.

I will resist the temptation. I will resist the temptation. I will resist the temptation.
Vade retro, Rigamarolas!

Rigmarole, thank you very much! :slight_smile: I, for one, love spoilers and your source certainly seems to know their stuff. If you get any more, share them, okay?

I’ll wait, thanks.

No problem man! Glad someone appreciated them. I’ve never really understood spoiler culture - I’m looking forward to watching the last 2 episodes even more in light of this info.

And yeah, since he was able to accurately describe (not spoiler-boxing this stuff because it’s from episodes already aired) stuff like the Hodor origin scene, the WW origin scene, Jon/Sansa/Davos recruiting scenes and Lyanna Mormont, Benjen’s return, Euron getting elected king, Arya’s assignment and confrontation with the Waif (and more) all before those episodes aired, it does indeed seem legit. If Vegas were offering odds I’d put good money on all of this happening exactly as described.

Also, to anyone who’s on the fence about looking at any of the above but kinda/maybe wants to look at some of it but not all of it: the least important/revelatory info is in the box labeled Davos (hardly much of a spoiler, that one). Going from least to most revelatory/shocking spoilers I’d say: Davos, Bran, Arya, Rickon, Ramsay, Cersei/Tommen.

I haven’t read ASoIaF nor watched GoT but seeing this thread put me in mind of the Great Spock Kobayashi Maru Fakeout of [del]Star Trek II[/del] STII:TWoK :slight_smile: fame/infamy. :cool:

So, nailed it on Rickon, Ramsay, and Davos for episode 9. Looks like the Bran, Arya, and Cersei/Tommen bits are a sure bet for episode 10.

I suppose it’s safe to read Rickon and Ramsay now. Still gonna save the others for next week, just in case…

Nailed it is right! Does your guy also give stock market tips? :slight_smile:

Gosh, Rigmarole, I’ve just come from watching the 10th and final ep of season 6 and, once again, your source was absolutely spot on. Promise me that in April '17 when the show starts up again you’ll offer us more spoilers, okay?

And thanks again for the spoilers for this season. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I first noticed it via the /r/freefolk subreddit (which was originally created when the first 4 episodes of last season got leaked in advance as a place to discuss them), which led me to the Watchers on the Wall link. WotW also posts a lot of stuff like the cast sightings/stalkings which is how we knew almost a year ago that Kit Harington was seen filming S6 and thus Jon Snow would be back.

My theory is that these more specific spoiler leaks came from somebody who was tangentially involved in working on the show. Of course it takes hundreds of people working on a show like this who see part or all of the finished/near-finished product during post-production. Many of them are quite well paid like editors, sound mixers, CG artists etc. and wouldn’t risk their jobs by breaching the NDAs they have to sign that keep them quiet about such details. But they also have interns working for them who get paid jack, and it only takes one person for a leak to get out into the world.

I was still completely surprised that all the Tyrells went down as well as Lancel, since this source said he didn’t know what happened to Loras and Margaery, so I was thinking they might make it out alive. I also didn’t realize the “Frey pie” was going to have actual Freys baked into it, which was a nice touch. :slight_smile:

Oh, I agree, Rigmarole. I thought that Margaery was enough of a prominent character that she deserved a death that focussed on her alone. Perishing in a crowd wasn’t special enough. Natalie Dormer, you’ll recall, played the death of another doomed queen, Anne Boleyn in The Tudors, beautifully. So if Margaery had to die, I wanted to see her demise acted out with equal pathos.

However, it seems that Natalie wanted to leave the show to pursue other roles. She talks about this in an interview at: Game of Thrones star on that shocking finale death

Like you, I was surprised that “Frey pie” turned out to be exactly that. :eek: (Doesn’t it happen in a Shakespeare play – I forget which one – that a character is served a dish made of the flesh of his sons?) I was wondering how Walder realized that Arya’s revelation that he’d just swallowed a forkful of offspring was no sick joke. What is that whitish object he uncovers under the piecrust? Is it an eyeball? A bone? A toe?

It’s a finger.

Thanks, Denialflash. That detail was bothering me. Now, if only I could figure out where Arya learned to make piecrust.

It’s a standard part of Faceless Man training.

I mean, she didn’t necessarily have to make the whole thing from scratch. If there was already a shepherd’s pie in the kitchen, she can toss a couple fingers in for effect and serve it up.

From Hot Pie.

Her training is now complete.

Enderw24, that’s brilliant! :smiley:

In Titus Andronicus, the title character feeds the villainess Tamora a pie made out of her two sons.

It looked like a big toe to me, but since it’s a Frey it’s hard to tell the difference. :smiley:

Jeez. Toe, finger??? Couldn’t she have at least used the good cuts?