
So, our roomie and I are living in the family home while mrAru is living on our farm in CT. We have owned this house since 1970.

She has had 3 spooky things happen in the past few days - she heard someone say ‘help me’ while she was down in the basement, her name being said in her bedroom, and just now she woke up and ‘saw’ a red headed man laying in bed next to her who vanished as soon as she more or less screamed.

Only red headed guy I know that had any real contact with the family was a guy named Chris that was a friend of my brother and I growing up, he died about 30 years ago [he drove into a tree half a block from our house] and I can’t think of any reason he would just start haunting the house now.

She has a call in to the nurse with her cardiologist to see if anything she is taking can cause hallucinations.

[Bolding mine]

I have no doubt it was Conan O’Brian doing one of his skits.

The “help me” was likely a human-headed fly in a nearby spider web.
