Spoons - Can YOU scrape out your dish?

Like so many other things in this AGGRAVATINGLY IMPRACTICAL WORLD, designers strike out more times than not in their design of flatware.

People are usually dazzled by outer appearance, not by utilitarianism.

So, if the flatware appears glitzy, by all means, BUY IT! Then take it home & discover that those fancy spoons can’t efficiently scrape out the last bit of what you eat because:

(1) They’re not as fine-edged as your cheap, lightweight set

(2) They’re not as perfectly oval as your cheap, lightweight set (rather, more pointy-ish).

btw, I’m disabling my e-notification, which I’ve learned to do to keep my sanity. I’m quitting the soapbox which might turn into the usual circus, as I’m a target of the malignant clowns around here :rolleyes:

No, no, precious. Gacy was a malignant clown. We’re well-adjusted persons of ill repute.

Um, when you start whinging about the shape of spoons (which apparently you bought after failing to carefully inspect them to see if they met your exacting standards), it’s a bit late to start worrying about your sanity.

But here’s a dining etiquette tip for you – really elegant dinnerware isn’t designed to allow you to scrape up the very last bit of yumminess, because the truly elite know that the height of refinement is simply to slurp the remaining drops out of the bowl with your tongue.

Malignant Clown here with a couple of questions:

Are you sure the problem is not with your bowl?

Why the rush to blame the spoon?

Have you tried a fork?

Oops, sorry. Thought this post was directed at me, but it’s not.

Never mind. Carry on.

Personally, I blame Mack the Knife. He always was a seedy sort.

Not so fast, Spoons. Maybe you can explain the behavior of your brethren, hmm?

Actually, I think we do a pretty good job. Knives start out as pretty sharp folks, but soon become dull. As for forks, they just don’t have the tine.

Ahem. As for the OP, spoons come in all shapes and types–think of dessert spoons, soup spoons, and so on. Maybe the OP just isn’t getting the right kind? Or maybe the interior of the bowl just doesn’t fit any known spoon?

But those are just guesses. Sorry I couldn’t give you the inside scoop.

(Ducking and running!) :smiley:

Mack the Knife was a patsy. He was innocent, but was set up. Bert the Fork was the real guilty party.


BITTE. The true sign of guilt is fleeing the scene.

And I think we all know.


We’ll find you though, pal. Trust it.

Hey, fork you, pal. There was always something sinister about Mack. He was so mean he was serrated on both sides, which made it tough to get close to him emotionally. He became distant, aloof… and murderous.

I’m sorry but where exactly is the question that you would like our humble opinion? Seems kind of like MPSIMS to me. Not complaining mind you. I just REALLY want to give my opinion to you.

OK, Spoons, it looks like your story checks out for now. You can go, but I’m sure jally will be keeping her eye on you. :slight_smile:

:waving hand frantically:

Hey! Hey, jally!

I got it. Use a spork. It’s the perfect utensil…part spoon, part fork. Brilliant.

jally, have you tried turning the spoon over?

Rather than turning this over to MPSIMS(they’ve done nothing to piss me off THAT much :)), I’ll just make the thread more "IMHO"y. What’s the best flatware you’ve ever eaten with?

This girl in high school named Marsha. Pretty girl, despite not being well-endowed.

Oh! That says “eaten with”! Sorry!

Knead, you need help.

BooBoo316, the spork’s about as brilliant as a skort, and just as hip.


Moderator’s note:

This ain’t going anywhere except down the tubes. Frankly, there isn’t enough salvagable to warrant moving. To the OP: if you want to try again on this topic, I’d suggest reposting in MPSIMS. No harm and no foul, but I judge the topic just far enough over the line from “debate lite”. It’s sorta opinion (as phrased) but not quite a rant, not quite a debate…

To others: this forum is more for discussing ideas and topics–of a less earth-shaking form–rather than the people expressing them. Not trying to stifle freedom of expression here but rather channeling it.

There are very real distinctions among the actual topics, posters and how posts are expressed. Ideas, people and how they connect.

This one’s a train wreck and I’m closing it.

for IMHO