Sport with 14-player teams

Are there any organized sport where each team has 14 players? Not counting bench warmers, just the players who are active at one time. And I’m mainly interested in court or field sports, rather than races.

The reason I’m asking is that I’ve been able to find sports with teams from 2 players up to 15, except for 14. The only thing found with 14 is some rules on shinty-hurling composite play. (Shinty and hurling are very similar sports but shinty has 12 players and hurling 15. These rules were a compromise.) But that’s not satisfactory.

Also, I haven’t found any sports with 16, 17 or anything above 18 players, so I’d like to know if any sports have teams of those sizes, too.

Not any Olympic sports, no, but there are such mass people sports as Red Rover, Capture the Flag, Volleyball (one in the center each) and others

43-man squamish. :wink:

Can we look forward to Olympic shinty-hurling in a few years? I already would rather see it become an Olympic sport ahead of ballroom dancing or bridge.

They don’t have to be Olympic sports. In fact, many of the sports on my list are not Olympic sports.

Mainly, I’m looking for sports that have official rules which indicate a fixed number of participants. I don’t think Red Rover and Capture the Flag qualify. I’m not sure what you mean by Volleyball here, but obviously you mean something different than the Olympic sport.

So would I, but I don’t think either one or both combined have enough international participation to make it to the Olympics.

In case anyone is interested, here’s the list I have so far:

2 - beach volleyball[sup]1[/sup]
3 - sepak takraw
4 - polo
5 - basketball
6 - volleyball/ice hockey
7 - water polo/net ball/team handball
8 - korfball
9 - baseball
10 - lacrosse/softball
11 - soccer/American football/cricket/field hockey
12 - Canadian football/shinty
13 - rugby league
14 -
15 - rugby union/gaelic football/hurling
16 -
17 -
18 - Australian rules football

[sup]1[/sup]There were numerous doubles sports (tennis, racketball, etc.) that I could have chosen, but I decided represent them all with one non-doubles sport.

DDG, that seems to be a page about team handball, which as far as I can tell, has 7 players per team on the court at any one time. The reference to 14 player teams seems to be the entire team, including substitutes.

Oh, okay. Is there money riding on this? Is it a bar bet?

There are lots of sports that don’t require a fixed number of players, even though they won’t be ‘official’ sports as such. You might want to consider “Calvinball” as a viable suggestion, though.

[nostalgia kick]
Ah, I remember it from my misspent youth. A class-mate of mine and I actually talked about taking it up.
[/nostalgia kick]

BTW, in Swedish it’s 43-mannahässning.

No, no money, no bet. Just curiousity.

BTW, Google is not an especially good help, as you probably found out. For instance, a search on “14 man team” gets lots of hits, but the ones involving sports teams (not all did) mainly seemed to be about soccer teams, which apparently have 14 people total.

I’ve checked out all the well known sports plus a number of lesser known ones[sup]1[/sup], but I figured there was the possibility that I’d missed one only played in Lower Slobovia or East Ebonia or somewhere.
[sup]1[/sup] I’d not heard of either korfball or sepak takraw before doing the research on this.