Springfield, IL Dopefest - Please CHECK IN

Okay, so who all do we have coming to the dopefest here in Springfield, Illinois on November 9-10?

No one showed much interest in the Hilton room so I think people should start making some reservations:

**Sleep Inn
(217) 787-6200
Without discount: $59.95 **

This was the cheapest. If you can all check in here at the thread, then I can call and give them a number of rooms for the block and get the discount.

Here is who I have down, even the tentatives:

Deadly Nightlight
Uncle Beer
Tequila Mockingbird
Philbuck (come meet the gang!)
David B

Also, can you let me know how you’re arriving? If you need a ride from the airport or train station?


I’m in. Driving over from Toledo and planning to arrive sometime Friday evening - no ride is necessary. Porcupine and I will be sharing a room. Unless, of course, my snoring gets too loud; then I’ll be sleeping on a couch in whatever passes for a lobby at the Sleep Inn.

I am coming~ i will get there on the ninth, I live close enough to springfeild that I can just drive back and forth.

From the thread title, I thought maybe it had already happened and I missed it. :wink:

I’m in - driving down Friday evening from the NW burbs of Chicago, devil dawg with me if the place allows pets. I may be carpooling with Jane D’oh! if she decides to come. If no dogs allowed, I have room for two other people, but the back seat is pretty tight (and somewhat furry).

Tibs – wasn’t Legomancer also a tentative?

I’ll be there, and am taking the train in. Which reminds me, I’ve gotta make those durned resermavations.

Whoops, sorry, might have left off Legomancer!

So I’ve dusted off the Aretha CDs, dug up the microphone and have the Karaoke button on my stereo polished up. How scary is that.

I kind of find it funny that porcupine keeps referring to Uncle Beer as her dawg.


Got it.

Woof! But I ain’t furry. My shower drain is, but not me.

'Kay, train reservations have been made. For those interested in traveling via train, you can get a 35% discount by making the reservations online with a MasterCard. Nice little deal.

I will be there, unless there is sufficient popular demand that I stay away.

I will make my own roon reservations (as I will likely request a handicapped-accessible room at wherever I stay ) unless the addition of my reservation mkes a difference in the rate that others pay.

Akatsukami, you better be here. :slight_smile: I’m looking forward to seeing you in your vest.

Gundy, what day are you coming in?


Oh…and Gundy:

“Seeeeee my vest! See my vest! Made from real gorilla chest. And this sweater, there’s no better than authentic Irish setter!”


I’m there! Don’t need a room. :slight_smile:

Tibs, I’ll be coming in Saturday at 6:45 (shit, that’s late) and leaving at noon on Sunday. Class and football in the morning & afternoon constrict my schedule, unfortunately. I’d forgo class, but not the game! That probably screws me up for any afternoon Trivial Pursuit games, huh?

I like the vest…but a greyhound fur tuxedo would be better.


Put me down as a “no”. If I do show up, I’ll probably just drive into Springfield, meet folks for a couple hours, and then go back home. I don’t see myself spending the night.

Yesterday, I would have said, “Definitely”. Today…well, see my blog for why I’m now saying, “Maybe”.

All right. I have my hotel reservations in hand. Two nights at the Sleep Inn. I just hope to get my name on the “guest of the week” board like Silo at the previous Spiffled. I want that parking spot right up front.

Kick ass.

So who is going shooting on Saturday afternoon and who is going to come over to my place for cooking and dancing and singing and blah blah blah? :smiley:


I’m definitely not shooting.

Tibs, do you really think it’s wise to host this bunch at your place? :wink: If you need me to bring anything, please let me know.

Cooking, dancing, singing - you really don’t me to do any of those things. I can eat pretty good, though. And I can make a couple of very tasty appetizers. I also know how to buy champagne.

Since it looks like a relatively small group, I might bring “Apples to Apples,” which is a very cool game the Jane D’oh! introduced at The Quiet Chidope last year, IIRC. That is, if I can get it back from my parents, where it seems to have taken up permanent residency. I may have to buy another copy. Jane, the cult is spreading. :smiley:

After getting turned on to Stroh rum at the last Spiffled by thinksnow (and why the hell aren’t you on the attendees list, huh?), I gotta bottle of Stroh rum in my cabinet. Should we continue the tradition? I know Tibs is a big fan. It’s the wussy stuff, though - only 120 proof. It’s pure evil if you drink shots, but is a really smoooooth mixer. Dyno, I bet this one burns if you light it, too.

And since the hotel allows dogs, the furry beast will be in tow.

So where’re we eating horseshoes? I feel a need to gain 3 lbs in a single meal.

And for those staying at the hotel, I don’t believe they have a restaurant for breakfast, but there are a few nearby places we could go, including the hotel across the parking lot.

OK. Subject to further sullen comments at home, I will be there. I have plane tickets, train tickets, and hotel reservations. I’ve been convinced that you all should be allowed the chance to reject me on the merits.

Tibby, I would be honored to be admitted to your home Saturday afternoon. If you decide that I’m worthy after seeing me Friday. If not, I’m used to sitting around on the weekends.