SpringsFest -- Colorado Style -- Feb 8?

Just calling for a head count.

Two from LJ and how many here are definately going?

I would like to take this moment to reaffirm my attendance at this petit soiree.

Okay, I am putting in reservations tomorrow under “Adams” at Jose’s.

I have been having some probs with my computer so your best bet is to email me…if you have any questions.

It still looks as if my wife and I can make it, so put us in the, “planning to attend” column.



Okay, I just made the reservations:

Under “Adams” AND “straightdope.com” AND my last name which I will not post here.

The manager’s name is “Gig” yes, that’s correct, so if you have any problems finding us, seek him out, he wrote it all down in the book and he’s familiar with my last name, he even spelled it correctly.

The reservations are for 7:15, so please try to be there by that point, if not, that’s cool. I did put it in smoking and they do have a party of 11 people at 7:00 and told them that if they can’t fit us in the smoking area that would be fine too.

There is an 18% gratuity and they only do one check so try to bring enough cash so that we all can pay the correct amount.

Reservations are for eight people, if we have other people that haven’t stepped up to the plate, like Stinkpalm they can accomodate us, over 11 people, I doubt they can so if you plan to attend (Got Foxy, TV, Wife, Raisinbread, me, LJ friend, LJ friend and I think someone else) just drop me an email or post here.

DENVER FOLKS, you are welcome to attend assuming you have transportation, just let me know please!

Techchick, I sent you an email but it bounced back, stupid Air Force servers.
I will be there, maybe not with bells on as promised earlier, because it’s only going to be a few degrees above freezing.
Maybe if I can find some fuzzy bells.
Fuzzy Bells

Great googly moogly, you Coloradians are organized and time-oriented! Have a great time, kids.

Mussolini was from Colorado, that’s why the trains ran on time.

If I am not scheduled, I lose control of myself…it’s part of my ADD. I put things off to the last minute with projects I need to get done but when it comes to socializing, I am very detailed.

Well, after we are done with dinner it’s up in the air but by that time (after a margarita or two) I wont care as long as it’s FUN!

And after we’re done with dinner, I most likely won’t be able to stick around, since I am on a very constrained time schedule.
But I will definitely be there for a couple hours.

All year Colorado has had no snow. For months, it has been totally arid.
Three days before SpringsFest, and a freaking blizzard hits.

This sucks.


I agree, figures eh?

Saturday though, the forecast (at least in C Springs) is 'sposed to be better. No snow and “slightly” warmer temps for the day.

I only have about 2 inches at my house. I also knew this might be a problem. But Foxy DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT drive up here if the roads are bad. I don’t want us to read or hear about you on the Sunday news.

I am confident that the roads will be better by Saturday, though.

I won’t, I’ll call you from Pueblo when I’m about to leave to confirm or let you know that I won’t be making it. The last thing I need is to get in any kind of accident on a trip that I’m not supposed to be taking.

As of 11:50 pm it is 156420 seconds or 1 day, 19 hours, 27 minutes and 0 seconds to when we gather, er more appropriately for when our reservations are set.

Weather looks better for Saturday and I am sure the major roads will be clear.

If for some reason you can’t make it, please email me or post here.

I may have a little grab bag for each of you so be sure to be there.

I am excited to meet all of you…it is almost like when I went to Vegas with a buncha Dopers but this time, it’s in my back yard!

Um, this was hardly a blizzard. To me a blizzard is snow up to an adult’s hip and I’ve seen that kind of snowfall before I moved out here.

See you at seven on Saturday.

Okay folks…it’s 24 hours and 15 minutes…

I am looking forward to this outing, it’s been a while since I have been out on a social (non-family) gathering. This shoudl be nice.

< techchick is a little antsy >

Perhaps a pre-game would be in order to take the edge off? We could go to Brooklyn Bagel and wait 5 hours for a bagel with butter (not toasted)

Son of a bitch.

Hey guys, my cat Monty has been sick today…he keeps throwing up all over the place, the floor, the bed you name it and I called the Emergency Vet and they said to keep an eye on him. FUCK…excuse me.

Anyhow, I may end up taking him into the vet tomorrow, if that’s the case, I am screwed in anyway financially to go.

I will keep you updated but I wanted to give you all a heads up.

It’s currently 5:40 am and I have had a total of 5 1/2 hours of sleep since Thursday at 1:00pm.

My cat is still not well and I am unsure of the course of action to take as my brain is not fully functional. So for right now it’s still unclear whether I will be able to attend tonight.

I have an obligation to you all as I set this up and I do have other people outside of the SDMB that are counting on me but I have to take care of me and my cat first. If I can get at least 2 more hours of sleep, then I can asess the situation in a more clear manner and update you all.