I found this on Steam last week and since it was free and involved flying a spaceship, I went ahead and downloaded the game and gave it a shot.
Lots of different ships, weapons, shields, etc., lots of different PvP games and different settings to play them in, and TONS of fun!
So far I haven’t even bothered with any of the PvE content, just the PvP. I’ve been having a blast flying around space wreckage or asteroids and trying to blow other people’s ships up.
Anyone else playing this? Anyone got any tips or insights into the PvE content?
Haven’t heard of it, but will give it a look when I get some time, sounds interesting.
Semi-hijack, but are there any games out there that are more like Starflight, with an emphasis on exploring/trading in space, rather than the rather more standard “privateer” formula games where you can trade if you want but the focus is on flying around and blowing things up?
Yeah, I played both of those. SC2 was great, SC3 was not. Neither of them really scratches the exact itch I was aiming for though - yeah, they had exploration, but SC2, at least (Can’t really remember SC3), didn’t really have any “trading” aspect - I mean, yeah, you gathered minerals and biologicals to “spend” at the Starbase/Melnorme, but there was no sense of “buy low, sell high” or “This world is the only place you can get commodity X!” or anything like that.
I know some 2D games that fit the bill. Strange Adventures in Infinite Space and its sequel Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, the latter of which is on Steam. Transcendence has blowing stuff up but the emphasis is on trading with the goal of upgrading your ship in order to survive the trek to the final system.
For 3D, there’s a new verion of Elite coming next year. There’s also Oolite, an open source version of the original. Oolite is very trade-heavy, particularly with mods installed to open new opportunites like specialty goods and taxi service.
Forgot about Vega Strike, sort of an open source single player version of Eve Online. Combat missions are there but there are also lots of commodities to trade.
Last time I played, I had docked in a station and couldn’t find my way out! Need to give it another try.
I use my keyboard and a Kensington trackball, and I find the control to be very good. It gets better as I get access to better ships, of course. According to the FAQ on Star Conflict’s website, the game supports gamepads but not joysticks. I don’t do well with gamepads (I didn’t grow up with them and I have large hands), but I could certainly see where someone that used them all the time would love to have one for this game. Personally, I wish I could hook up one of those fighter pilot style dual-stick-&-foot-pedals type deals; it would totally rock to be able to control a spaceship with spaceship-like controls.
The graphics are top notch. It looks excellent but doesn’t compromise the action. This is a fast paced game with lots of crazy stuff on the screen and from 12-20 people playing in a game but it doesn’t make my video card work nearly as hard as a typical WoW raid or BG.
Yes, Steam keeps track of your accomplishments.
So far I have played this game over 13 hours, and every day I find myself putting in more time with it.
Last night I tried my first PvE (they’re called “Scenarios”) and it was a ton of fun until we got outflanked by the invading ships and they tore us up.