Star Trek characters at a singles bar

I was just chatting with another Doper in instant messages, and mentioning the Enterprise Season Finale, which he didn’t see. I was explaining how this “Expanse” place was described by Vulcans as a place where there were lots of hostile species and strange goings on.

He replied: “Sounds like a singles bar.”
Monstre: “Vulcans at a singles bar? :::snicker:::”

Then suddenly we were coming up with Vulcan pick up lines… :wink:

  • “Pardon me, but do you frequent this establishment on a regularly scheduled basis?”

  • “The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that that position is not possible.”

  • “You’ve seen the neck pinch. But let me show you my other Vulcan pinch!”

Of course, we don’t have to be restricted to Vulcans. So, what pickup lines would you hear Star Trek characters or species using in a singles bar?

Q: “Hey cutie, what’s your sign?”

A: “Astrology is not logical.”

We are Borg. Let’s get naked. Flirting is irrelevant.

If i said you had a beautiful flgmtreex would you hold it against me?

If you knew oomox like I know oomox

Do you know the Prime Directive? Then you know my prime directive.

So… is everything blue?

“Can I get your holovid number?”
“Only if you were the last Klingon on Kronos.”
“Well, I better get started, then. See you next week?”

<stares vacantly at nothing>

“What level are you on?”

Vulcan:You know…our ears are not the only thing pointed. <wink wink> Care to see?

Andorians:Ohhhh the things my antenna could do to you.

Borg:You will be stimulated… resistance is futile.

Klingon:Come…and let us mate like two targh’s under the mid day sun.

Let me show you… The Picard Manouver.

[size=1]I can’t believe I posted that[/i[

My tricorder is set on “vibrate.”

I’ve got ten million little photon torpedos that want to penetrate your hull, baby.

Betazoid: I know you want me.

Data to a Mudd’s android: I am afraid that my 220-volt is not compatible with your 110-volt.

I. Am captain James T… Kirk! of the! … starship. Enterprise! Baby!

Good one!! :slight_smile:

Klingon: “Go out with me, or I will send you to Sto-Vo-Kor!”

Tribble: cough

NoClueBoy: “Hey, baby. Where’s your pants?”

Kn(*)ckers: “I don’t know!”

Carniverousplant: “Busy, Bee?”

Aesiron: “Oh please please please please please please please…”

Vivalostwages: “Want some extra credit?”

Tracer: " I just bought a new DVD. Want to come back to my place and get ‘caught up’ on the season?"

Montre: “AARRRGGHHH!!!”

Wearia: “WOW! You can do that?!”

Tars Tarkas: “Guess what else I Ihave four of?”

I’ll think of more later.


slap “I’m a doctor, not a pick-up artist, damn it!”

“Me balls! Thi’re goin’ all blue! Thiy kinna take any more, baby!”

“Wanna bump tribbles?”

“I calculate a 97.32% chance that our mating would produce a viable fetus with an admirable constitution and extraordinarily aesthetic physical attributes. In addition, the procreative acts necessary to the impregnation of your ova will take an unusually lengthy time and would produce most agreeable sensations.”

“My olfactory sensors have detected a recent increase in the production of vaginal mucous, concurrent with increased respiration and heart rate. I can surmise, therefore, that you are ‘hot’ for me. As I am currently investigating human sexuality, perhaps you can show me this thing called ‘around the world.’”

“Hey, captain. Is that a doomsday device in your pants, or are you just glad to see me?” sets mammaries to ‘stun’

“You know, this visor lets me see through clothes.”

“I need your pussyon field emissions to reverse the polarity of my subcock matrix deflector, baby!”


Wanna see the Captain’s Log?



T’Pol: … and in the event of an emergency, yes they can be used as flotation devices…

“It’s dead, Jim.”

Crewman Daniels: We WILL get it on.


Worf… You are NOT behaving with honor. I like it that way!

To rephrase: “So, baby, does the bridge match the nacelles?”

Worf: “Today is a good day to get it on.”

Kirk/Riker: “Say, you look like you’ve got a pulse…”

Tripp: “Do me. I don’t care about any consequences. Just do me, you alien sex machine!”