Star Trek novels: anyone read "Imzadi II?"

I just got some books from, and decided to get two trek novels; I’d tried an Enterprise one recently that was surprisingly good (although it did turn out to be Part I of II, and II won’t be out until May, GAH!). I’d been put off a few years back, when they all seemed to be serialized, making the reader buy 3, 4 and even 5 books to find out what happens. I did enjoy the “Lives of Dax” book very much and had enjoyed the first Imzadi, so am wondering how this II turns out … don’t worry about spoilers. LOL I read and re-read books all the time!

And since I’m on the subject, any other ST books that have come out in the past couple of years that you enjoyed? Please share; I’m willing to start buying them again if they’re going to be worth reading. :slight_smile:

thanks in advance!

The DS9 book “Unity” was really good, IMHO. Keep in mind, though, it’s at the culmination of a pretty long series of books, some better than others.

I’ve read it and while I would not say it sucks, per se, it’s extremely substandard when compared to the original Imzadi or most any other Peter David book period.

If you want some good Trek, read all the DS9 relaunch books, the DS9 Millennium trilogy, and Peter David’s New Frontier series. Everything else is worth skimming over except for a few standout novels here and there but these books *need * to be read if you’re into Trek novelizations.

I thought it was decent, though not as good as the first Imzadi and not the best Peter David’s done. But, as with Terry Pratchett, even a bad PAD novel is well worth the time.

As for recent Trek books worth reading, the New Frontier stuff definitely rocks. I also enjoyed the novelization of “Trials and Tribble-lations,” just for the sheer goofiness of the premise. :slight_smile:

I really enjoy Diane Duane’s Rihannsu books: My Enemy, My Ally, The Romulan Way, Swordhunt, and Honor Blade. She is the only writer besides Peter David that I will automatically pick up when she writes a ST book.