I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars movies, and thought I should see them all in their correct order before seeing the lastest release. Can you tell me from start to finish the order the movies go in? Gracias.
See the original trilogy first. Try to find the original unmolested versions if possible.
Release Order: Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith
Chronological Order: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars (A New Hope), The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi
See them in release order.
It might be cool to see them in an order most of us have not seen them in (episode 1-6) for the first time, but yeah, I’d say do “4-6” first. And yah, try to find copies that aren’t cluttered with today’s things.
Hmm, maybe VHS…
I’m thinking about using my little sister (who hasn’t seen any of them) as a guinea pig to see what happens when someone sees them in numerical order. We’ll see.
Ditto Orual.
Except I recommend watching Menace and Clones in fast-forward mode.
When watching Clones: whenever Anakin and Padme are talking, fast forward. In fact, whenver Anakin is any non-action scene, fast forward.
Oh, and don’t worry about these people saying ‘try to watch the unmolested version’. The Special Editions only changed minimal things and things which weren’t too important anyway.
Like that whole Greedo thing.
Lies! Heretic!
Seriously though, two things just don’t make any damn sense:
[spoiler]Greedo didn’t shoot first. Han, being a sneaky bastard, got the jump on him. The new version has Greedo shooting first and missing, even though he already has his blaster pointed at Han’s face from the vast distance of the other side of a restaurant table.
Han is supposed to have a bounty on his head from Jabba the Hutt. So why, in the new version, does Jabba show up later for a friendly chat, then let Han go? Also, the CG Jabba looks like crap.[/spoiler]
You have to watch them in the order of release. If you start with The Phantom Menace you will be unable to watch the other five due to gouging your eyes and ears out from your first exposure to Jar-Jar Binks.
No, actually Lucas fixed that for the DVD release. Greedo and Han shoot at the exact same time, and Han’s just a wee bit quicker on the draw.
Sorry, gotta vote for the unmolested originals, if only because most of the new special effects were craptacular. Okay, the expanded Mos Eisley was cool, but the rest of it bites, especially the “kewl” Death Star explosions.
And the Greedo change looked like a homework assignment from Final Cut 101.
Yeah, stick with the originals. If you’re gonna go die-hard, you can get them on DVDs at comic/sci-fi cons, or else just go to a really behind-the-times video store.
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Episode II 1/2: Meesa Gonna Die, Annykin!
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Darth Vader’s European Vacation
Episode III II: Electric Boogaloo
Episode IV: A New Hope
Episode IV II: Solo v. Greedo- Who Shot First?
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Un Ewok Andelieu
Episode VII: Jar Jar’s Revenge
(I apologize for this stupid joke. I had nothing to add to this thread.)
Or get a hold of the laserdiscs. I’m in the process of re-ripping my copies. I even found some DVD case covers that match the current style.
Episode IX: The Star Wars Christmas Special
If by “kewl” you mean “better looking”.
Don’t get too hung-up on seeing the “original” versions.
The only bad things about the remastered versions is the Han/Greedo “who shot first?” thing and the infamous Jabba scene.
It’s not that big a deal (for non-fanboys).