Imagine that tomorrow, scientists discover a way to create a fully-functioning Galaxy-class starship like the Enterprise-D from ST:TNG. The governments of the world decide to build one and it will be completed in one year. They government is also asking for volunteers to man this starship.
Here are the parameters:
For all intents and purposes, the ship will function and perform exactly like the one in ST:TNG. The only difference is that it exists now in our time and universe. There are replicators, subspace communications, phasers, photon torpedoes, holodecks, shuttlecraft, transporters, artificial gravity, warp speed, etc. It will carry crew, scientists, support personnel and children of those aboard.
You are allowed to take your immediate family with you. There will be a minimum 5-year signup. In other words, once you launch, you will not return to Earth for 5 years. You will still be able to communicate with the people back on Earth.
Before launch, everything we know about the universe is the same as it is right now (excepting the technology that made this ship possible). We didn’t get any knowledge about other civilizations or races out there. Basically, it’s as if “poof” starship tech appears and we get to use it. There is no “Federation.” This is not set in the Star Trek universe. It’s the world as we know it today, but we get to play with a Star Trek-like spaceship. Even though there’s no “Federation” or Starfleet, there will still be corresponding jobs on this starship.
Disregard any political and sociological questions about the appearance of this technology. This is just a thought experiment.
Here are my questions:
Would you volunteer to serve aboard?
If so, what role would you like? Captain? Support Personnel? Barber? Teacher? Research scientist? Holodeck cleaner?
Where do you think we should go first?
I think I would go and take my family. I’d be a teacher for the children on board.