States are finally going to succeed

I’ve been hearing about these stories-- you know, people talking about some states wanting to succeed now that Obama’s been re-elected? Well, I say good for them.

I don’t know why they’ve been holding their success back in the first place. Seems pretty silly to fail on purpose. So far I think the states that have decided to succeed are Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi…maybe Idaho or Iowa and some more. Michigan’s been talking about succeeding for a while too, which is good cuz that’s where I live.

So Dopers, is the state you live in going to succeed? What are your thoughts on this new-found motivation for succession? If a majority of states succeeds, will we finally get to stop talking about the damned economy, and start talking about Oval Office oral sex and Saddam Hussein again?

What say YOU?

I say nothing succeeds like success.

I hear Texas is talking about succession. Well, I say let them succeed. New York had the title of being the second most populous state for a long time. Give Texas a turn now.

No no no, you misunderstand. Only a few people want to succeed. The actual states are still heavily opposed to succeeding.

If Louisiana tries to, for some reason, secede, they are gonna have the wrath of N’awlins upon them.

You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Succeed= to achieve one’s goals
Secede= to withdraw from an organization or political entity

Errm, I just read a few more posts. I’m being whooshed, aren’t I? :smack:

Successfully. :slight_smile:

Maybe they are all saying that they want sex seed?

This is really just a huge gag we’re playing on Puerto Rico.

OMFg, you guys are really cracking me up today! This thread was funny enough, but Aquadementia just took it home!

You win the thread. Here is your nice shiny internet.

“if at first you don’t suck seed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed.” - Jerome “Curly” Howard

Better to suck seed than to suck cess.

That seems suckcessive to me.

Whoa, whoa there. Are you talking about seedition? Take that thing to the Pit!

You’ve obviously met cousin Cess.

Does the OP have any words for their old friend, Cheddar Cheese?

Why should we make Puerto Rico a steak? Next they’ll also want a baked potato!

Nothing secedes like sucksess.

Am I doing this right?

We would be no more. Petitions have been filed from all 50 states.

The last one to leave needs to turn out the lights, please.

Like that time the band my cousin co-founded broke up, only to regroup a week later w/o him while changing their name simply to get around kicking him out.