Steam mops?

Anybody have one? I know I couldn’t use it on my hardwood floors, but my kitchen is a constant mess (vinyl or linoleum) and I thought maybe something little like that would get used more often and maybe get up that stuff I have to get on my hands and knees to scrub. Reviews on the Bissel on Amazon are pretty mixed, though.

? nothing? I was going to go to Target after work…

I don’t think these are exactly steam mops, but…

I had the Bissell Flip-It for a few years, and it worked quite nicely. It doesn’t use steam, but it is usable on hardwood and goes a very good job on them.

It finally broke after about 3 years of hardcore use and abuse, but I had just gotten a Bissell ProHeat 2x Turbo for use on my little boys’ carpeted bedroom and my upholstery. For $5, I bought the hard floor attachment for it, and it works even better on both vinyl and hardwood. It’s very heavy, though, while the Flip-It was ultra-lightweight.

I have the Eureka EnviroSteamer. I love that beast. It has a floor attachment that you place a cloth on and it does wonders for my kitchen floors. I use other attachments to steam clean bathrooms and the nasty bolt-thingies on the toilets. It cleans things that nothing else would, like the tracks to the sliding glass doors (we have four sets of them!)

I don’t know how effective the smaller units are, like the Shark ect.

I have the H20 mop, and love it. My entire main floor is laminate wood, except for the powder and laundry room which are vinyl, and it’s been fabulous.

It’s lightweight, doesn’t need soap, and the steam is hot enough that the floor dries really quickly. The best part for me is that it’s easy enough to use that my 13 year old can do it.

My only issue has been that it can’t quite get into some of the tighter corners, but, overall, I’ve been really pleased.