Steve deGroof is apparently the author of the webcomic treelobsters, which I wholeheartedly recommend. He also has a book of short stories called Dandelion Seeds, which ditto.
Yet he doesn’t seem to have a wikipage. It’s hard to find out anything about him on line. Well OK, he does have an author page on amazon, although I’m a tad suspicious of the autobiographical info there. Is the lack of a wikipage something intentional by him or has he just been overlooked by the editors? Or maybe he’s been relegated to the “not notable” bin of history?
Not sure Wikipedia would consider me “notable” enough, but you could always try. You’d probably have to overwhelm them with references. Here’s some to get it started, if you’re so inclined…
You do know that people are not allowed to start or edit their own wiki page don’t you? Sometime else has to start it, and it can be edited by anyone but the person it’s about.
Yeah, I wouldn’t dare create a page about myself. And, given what Wikipedia editors view as “notable”, I’m not sure it would pass scrutiny if someone else did. I’ve seen Wikipedia editors trash pages for Bonnie Burton and Jenny Lawson, just because they didn’t consider them important enough.
Well, yes, I did know that people couldn’t write their own page. I thought there were three possibilities:
He prefers to remain anonymous and didn’t want a wikipage. Evidence for this is that his name is nowhere to be found on the TreeLobsters page. I discovered the webcomic fairly recently and read through almost all the archive without knowing his name. It was only when I got to his book that I found out what it was.
He used to have a wikipage but it was purged. The “not notable” thing.
No one’s thought to make a page for him. The “overlooked by the editors” thing.
It looks like #3 is the case. And I would jump right on it except for one thing. While I’m technically an editor of Wikipedia, my experience at doing so amounts to adding a single entry to an existing list. While I managed to do so successfully, just doing so took a lot of work to figure out exactly how to do it. Adding a new page looks like to would be an order of magnitude more work and I’m almost certain to get it wrong. I think I should let some more experienced editor do this. (There’s also the fact that I’d be tempted to be a bit irreverent by starting the entry off with “Steve deGroof is an arborial crustacean…”).
So if anyone else feels up to adding the page, go for it.
I started off Tree Lobsters relatively anonymously. Various reasons, most of which are irrelevant now. Besides, both David Brin and Phil Plait have accidentally revealed my real name on their blogs at one time or other. It’s probably one of the worst-kept secrets in webcomics.
If you want to go ahead and create a wikipedia entry, you have my blessing. All I ask is you get my name right: DeGroof (capitals on D and G)