He’s hilarious on the Daily Show. That is all that truly matters. But I am curious: what is up with his ear? His right ear kinda bends in funny - at certain angles it is distractingly noticeable - but I may be alone on this…
Hmm, I never noticed it, either. I usually save my mildly obsessive, crush-induced attention to detail for Jon Stewart (and sometimes that other guy, uh, what’s his name? Patches?), but the next show will be all about the ear.
The first time I ever watched the show he was hosting in place of Craig Kilborn, and he began one segment with his ear folded and tucked inside. He let it pop out while he was doing the segment. Pretty cute party trick.
There was a time recently when I claimed that The Daily Show had jumped the shark. Not true. It’s just that the show isn’t nearly as funny without Jon Stewart and Steve Colbert providing that one-two comedic punch. The other people (Samantha Bea, Rob Cordry) just aren’t funny. I said this before: they should host the Oscars.
I didn’t think the show was over the hill or whatever, but I do think it’s much funnier with Colbert hanging around again. I’d stopped watching regularly, and now I tune in just about every night. I think his first episode back, wherever he had been, was Election Night.
Lew Black, and I like his gestures. I think it adds a layer of goofy-funny on top of his angry-funny material. And it doesn’t really look forced or fake or anything.
I’ve seen him in concert a couple of times and he’s not nearly as animated doing stand-up. Probably something about sitting at the desk with a closeup…
Marley23. Or I could be wrong. But do me a favor, and watch Colbert’s face carefully next time “The Week In God” is on. I’m pretty sure he’s making the sounds himself.
If you mean the beeps when he smacks the big button, that is Stewart making the sound. I remember him messing up once and he and Colbert getting the giggles.
Ed Helms is pretty funny, but I miss Steve Carell. Funniest correspondent ever. Produce Pete, we hardly knew ye!
Maybe it’s just a “because I started watching then” thing, but I’ve always thought that the cast of correspondants was best when I started watching (Steven Colbert, Steve Carell, Vance Degeneres, Nancy Wall) the show.
Ed Helms, Rob Courdry, and Samantha Bee are really hit-or-miss with me, although it’s better now than it was in the period after Vance Degeneres left and Steve and Nancy started appearing infrequently and they had some really crappy correspondants that didn’t last very long (there was a black guy who did exactly one story who was awful).
Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard at that segment. What happened was Colbert looked away from the machine and missed it when he tried to hit the button.