Still batting 1.000

I just wanted to point out that as I near the completely irrelevant 600 post mark, I have yet to be the victim of a double-post.

I think this qualifies as sufficiently mindless and pointless.

If not, then I also wanted to share that I like the colors blue and green.

My sig line is currently unavailable. Please check this post in 1 hour when we resume our broadcast day.

Oh yeah? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
</tr><tr bgcolor="#dedfdf">
<TD width=18% valign=top>
<FONT SIZE=“2” face=“Verdana, Arial”>Mullinator</font>
<FONT SIZE=“1” face=“Verdana, Arial”>Member </FONT>
<FONT SIZE=“2” FACE=“Verdana, Arial”>
<FONT SIZE=“1” color="#800080" face=“Verdana, Arial”>posted 01-19-2000 08:19 AM    
<A HREF=“” target=_blank>
<IMG SRC=“” BORDER=0 ALT=“Click Here to See the Profile for Mullinator”></A>   <A HREF=“” target=_blank><IMG SRC=“” BORDER=0 ALT=“Click Here to Email Mullinator”></A>      <A HREF=“”><IMG SRC=“” BORDER=0 ALT=“Reply w/Quote”></A>
</FONT><HR>I just wanted to point out that as I near the completely irrelevant 600 post mark, I have yet to be the victim of a double-post.

I think this qualifies as sufficiently mindless and pointless.

If not, then I also wanted to share that I like the colors blue and green.

My sig line is currently unavailable. Please check this post in 1 hour when we resume our broadcast day.</FONT><P align=right><FONT SIZE=“1” color="#800080" face=“Verdana, Arial”></font></P>

Needless to say we’ll be jumping all over you the minute you double-post, Mully. :wink:

Some drink at the fountain of knowledge…others just gargle.

MoosieGirl said

In some cases that could be used as motivation to double post.

My sig line is currently unavailable. Please check this post in 1 hour when we resume our broadcast day.

And while we’re on the subject, what’s everyone’s personal best for the most consecutive posts? I had a triple once. The standard double, plus one more when I got impatient and clicked on it again.

Not a real simulpost, but does anyone else also see Mully’s OP twice ? Once at the top, then AWB’s reply, then Mully’s OP again !
Also, Moosie’s reply and Mully’s second OP are both grey so they seem to ‘merge’.

Am I crazy or do you guys see it too ?


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

D’oh !!

It is a VERY nice piece of work, mr. AWB. I salute you :wink:


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

And why is it that the little document icon, the time and date, and the profile/e-mail/whatever that third icon is are all on different lines?

An infinite number of rednecks in an infinite number of pickup trucks shooting an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of road signs will eventually produce all the world’s great works of literature in Braille.

Neuro !!

How thick can you BE :wink:

Read this thread AGAIN. NOW!


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Thank you, Coldfire. :smiley:

For those who are wondering: I selected View/Source in IE and found the HTML code that generated Mullinator’s initial message. I pasted this at the end of my message, separating them with a </tr> to end the table row of my mesage. The <tr> from his message started a new row, complete with the correct shade of gray. I left the </tr> off of his message so that the SDMB software would finish the page nicely. (Something did get lost in the handling, which is why the date stamp and the logos are on different lines. :()

And since this second message from him was really in my post, the SDMB gave the next post a dark gray background as it would’ve had I not played Mr. HTML.

I looked in the mirror today/My eyes just didn’t seem so bright
I’ve lost a few more hairs/I think I’m going bald - Rush

Fourteen. :cool:

Admittedly, this was intentional. It was a test in preparation for a multi-posting contest. After I got fourteen without even trying hard, I decided this wasn’t such a good idea.

I also managed a double post after flood control was added.

It is too clear, and so it is hard to see.

Oh, for…!!!

An infinite number of rednecks in an infinite number of pickup trucks shooting an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of road signs will eventually produce all the world’s great works of literature in Braille.

AWB’s trickery will not be fogotten when the next favorite poster thread comes around.

But, that was a pretty smooth piece of work. You must use your power wisely.

My sig line is currently unavailable. Please check this post in 1 hour when we resume our broadcast day.

I shall honor you, Mully with a new sig line.

“Your posting style resembles a cross between a spastic squirrel and one-handed ventriloquist.”
–Mullinator, paraphrased–

What irritates me is every time i hit 990 posts the next day I’, thrown back at least 10… the system is defying me hitting 1000!

If you feel that you must suffer, then plan your suffering carefully–as you choose your dreams, as you conceive your ancestors.