The SDMB allows me a window to something I would otherwise not be able see. The world of mentioning to a student something I normally keep distastefully quiet about!
Yes, I see you sitting there, looking at me with eyes still fixated on the BIG GAME, still wishing your were asleep. I commend your tenacious ability to get up, put some semblance of clothes on, and walk to class. Very good! Good show!
But why, young grasshopper, come to class when you are still clearly intoxicated.
The girl next to you asked for the notes from Fridays class and you gave her your economics notebook. I asked you if you did the reading and you said, “uuhhh, yeah…it was very interesting…” you ignored the class as most of them half heartedly sighed a laughing agreement. I immediately called on another student to answer the question "Why was Carl Jung especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions such as Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala, and similar traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism…"
A question understandably asked after reading several chapters about Mr. Jung.
But back to the OP. Why did you come to class noticeably intoxicated? A simple email or phone call saying your would not be in class would have sufficed. Please, next time, stay asleep…*
Excuse my gruff appearance this morning…I pulled an all nighter with a sickly cat and an out of town wife
You want to get rid of him? Casually wander over to his desk while you lecture, and “accidentally” drop your annotated copy of Critique of Pure Reason on the floor, as close to him as possible. Then, when he looks up, yank open the blinds.
Hmmm. Very classy. I gotta say, I don’t think any of my classmates ever came to class in an alcohol-indued stupor. Gotta commend him for having cojones.
Superbowl last night and you’re bothered someone came in drunk? fuck, I used to turn up to school still pissed from the night before, never mind college.
Whats the big deal? either boot him out of the class for the day or accept it.
It was highly frowned upon for us not to turn up the day after a drinking session, so we went along to the studios. (art degree). Doesnt this happen everywhere?
Why didn’t you throw his sorry ass out? Showing up drunk or stoned shows incredible disrespect not only to the professor, but also to your fellow students.
I don’t see what being drunk has to do with reading the assignment. If he were drunk and HAD read the asssignment you most likely would have been even more annoyed when he took over the lecture with a boomhauer-worthy rant about Jung, (pronounced “zhung”).
How do you know that his being drunk wasn’t a statement about Carl Jung being especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions such as Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala, and similar traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism…?
Seems to me the student nailed it right on the head.
welllll… as someone who’s done this on occasion, I can give you some insight into his psyche… he came to class knowing he wouldn’t be able to contribute anything useful, hoping you’d completely gloss over his presence as you undoubtedly would have on any other day (assuming this is a college course, since they tend to be large & relatively impersonal). He thought maybe he could just come & take notes, and maybe subconsciously pick up a few things from lecture he’d at least be familiar with when studying later, which is better than staying at home, learning absolutely nothing, and being completely clueless the next lecture. I agree it’s disrespectful, but it’s really about his learning, not your feelings. It’s one thing if he’s disrupting the class, but if not, shrugs…
At the university where I work, there is an attendance policy. If you miss too many classes, you fail. So, very often, students who don’t want to be in class show up anyway because they might fail if they don’t. (They’ll probably fail anyway, but they’re not smart enough to figure that out; if they were that smart, they wouldn’t be failing.)
I think this is a very weird policy to have, but it is the administration’s attempt to deal with the problem of students never attending class (which doesn’t seem like much of a problem to me as a teacher, since the fewer students (especially disruptive or bored students), the better).
I showed up to my Spanish class quite clearly intoxicated on my 21st birthday. The class was at one and between 10 and 12:30 I had done 12 shots of vodka, plus a shot of some godawful crap my roomie threw in a glass. I was skipping all my other classes that day, but I had to go to Spanish because we were having an oral exam consisting of the professor quizzing us in front of the class about Pablo Neruda and us having to give actual answers like in a normal Lit class. Except the point wasn’t to give profound insights into Neruda’s work, of course. (That came on the written).
Anyway, long story short, I got an A. I spoke the best Spanish I had ever spoken up to that point. I also learned that my foreign language skills follow a bell curve that corresponds to the amount of alcohol I’ve had to drink - confirmed later by my evening on the town with the Spanish exchange student down the hall when we got shitfaced around DC and I spoke no English the entire night. Good times.
Neurotik, I’ve been told that I speak French nigh fluently when I’m trashed, yet it’s quite sloppy when I’m sober. Looks like you’re not the only one that improves their foreign language skills with drinking.
I’ve gone to about a dozen classes intoxicated/hungover over the past three years, and I have to say that I can definitely pick a few things up, at least enough to make it worth going to difficult classes.
Drunk? In class? Like BubbaDog alludes to, just how in hell do you think I made it through Electromagnetics?
Our prof was a good sport about the whole thing. The day of the final, all 27 of us went out and brought a 6-pack each (some brought a fifth) and over the course of the exam, proceeded to get somewhat likkered up just so we could fathom* the idea of a Fourier transform.
And my last semester, I had this rediculously easy elective in “Music Appreciation”, I was a ‘super-senior’ and it was a 100 level class, but hey, you gotta fill the boxes. It was my night off from working at Home Depot, so I’d routinely show up with a big plastic 40oz. mug full of iced margarita mix (“With the Tequila already inside!”) and then again, proceeded to bear with the stupidity of that class. But at least I passed the mug around for all to share.
No, really, I was a ‘super-senior’! I still have my cape, utility belt, and leotards!
He is testing a hypothesis on state dependent learning for his methodology course, and he has to show up drunk because yours is the exam he randomly chose to take while drunk. Quit dissin’ science, 'ya big jung-head.
Hell, I took the final for my Psych of Personal Adjustment class completelyschnockered. I had to be helped to the classroom by one of my friends, because I’d started celebrating and then, “Oh, shit! I forgot my Adjustment final!”
One of the only tests I’ve ever gotten 100% on. I don’t think the poor professor knew what was going on til I stumbled up to him, handed him the test, and tried to say, “This was a great class.”
I think what actually came out was, “Mrmgfgfrrrfgreatclass.”
100% on the Final and an A in the course. Moral: Drinking is good.
These stories rock! I’ve never been to class intoxicated, the closest I’ve come is taking a shot one cold wet morning before leaving the dorm to make my way across campus. It helped reduce that cold-to-the-bone feeling but certainly didn’t improve my already significant early-morning sluggishness.
My personal favorite “intoxicated student” story was the time a guy went to a class massively stoned, and there was an in-class essay that day. The topic was something about technology and society and whatnot, but he started writing about Osama Bin Laden and 9/11. The professor walked by well in to the class session and, seeing a fraction of an essay written on the wrong topic in front of a student who was rather gone, asked “What are you doing?” His response? “Uhhh, I’m just chillin”.
But wait, there’s more. I was once at a party after a few beverages and trading stories with some other partygoers. I brought that one out, one of the listeners gave me this really strange look. Then he cast his eyes down and said “Uh, yeah, that was me, remember?” Whoops.