Stop Sign anti-malware infomercial. Scam?

Many of you have likely seen the Stop Sign infomercial, claiming their product is great for antivirus/malware, etc. Googling gives ambiguous answers.

Personally, I am savvy enough to keep my computer free of malware, but have friends and relatives who want to check it out.

Any experience with StopSign?

they are at stopsign dot com

Stopsign appears to be Rogue software that purports to clean your system but in fact just generates false reports about what it’s doing, as well as possibly inviting other malware to take up residence.

That’s what I gather also, and am watching the infomercial right now. It bugs me how many newbie users are probably spending money on this. :frowning:

And it is a slick presentation, with “hackers”, and then people foiling them :rolleyes:

Is there a copy of this infomercial on the Internet?

Or is it only broadcast on TV? If so, which channel?

(asking for professional reasons; I’m not based in the U.S., and don’t have any knowledge of infomercials, so please help fight my ignorance).

I really don’t know, you might search youtube. I have seen it on the three major American network channels, NBC, ABC, and CBS.

Between midnight and six AM US time.

Thank you very much, Klaatu!

Those commercials prey on people who know nothing about computers. Which is a lot of people.

My roommate buys stuff for her computer that she could’ve got for free. She bought some $100+ anti virus software and complained to me that it wasn’t working so I downloaded AVG for her and that cleaned up everything.

Just last week she told me she paid $40 for the new Internet Explorer. I told her she could’ve got it for free but she said that it was too complicated that way and paying for it was better.

There’s just a huge misconception about the ease of finding free software.