For fuck’s sake, yes, I’m fucking worried. Why? Because I’m a fuckup. I’m graduating in 32 days. I lose my job when I do. I do not have another job lined up. I do, however, have a useless and expensive degree (because I’m fucking retarded) and forty grand in loans to repay - not counting a few thousand more in my parent’s names.
I have used up the deferment on my loan payments, because I fucked up my education so badly I flunked out and took a year off.
If I was a remotely intelligent person, know what I would have done? Gone to a state school where I could have gotten some credit from the useless IB courses I took in high school. Graduated in three years with a degree in a real field, and by now could have been graduating with not just a master’s degree, but a useful degree, which would actually be helpful in getting a job. Instead I did none of that and have spent the past five years making shitty decision after shitty decision, and now I’m fucked.
My parents and sister - who are all gainfully employed and have at least had plenty of time to get over being fuckups - all keep telling me not to worry. I can request a forbearance and my mother has even offered to help with some of the payments, which would be awesome if A) I wanted to completely destroy my credit rating before I hit the age of 23 and B) I decide ‘fuck having any dignity or pride, I’m 22 and unable to support myself so I’m going to mooch off my parents after finishing college like the pathetic cunt that I am’ is a good strategy to get me through life and also C) that my mother and father will quite possibly split up because my father rightfully understands that I cannot live with them and that taking any more money, ever from them is pretty much the most pathetic thing in the world. They’ve supported me for 22 years and I already owe them enough fucking money.
But everyone keeps fucking saying not to worry, because things will magically work out and someone willing to employ an idiot like me will swoop down and save the day and pay me enough so that I can pay for rent and food and loans, and everything will be fine. And then magical winged unicorns will fly out my ass and use it’s horn to gore the fuck out of me as a mercy killing.