Straight guys who enjoy being penetrated anally

It’s something I sometimes read about in Penthouse Letters – a woman inserts a vibrator (sometimes a strap-on) in a man’s anus and he gets off on it. True?

Yes. BrainGlutton, is there something you’re trying to tell us?

True. Discussion over.

Liking anal stimulation doesn’t make you gay, if that’s what you’re asking. There is no biological difference between a gay guy’s asshole and a straight guy’s asshole, so if some gay men enjoy anal stimulation why should it be surprising that a similar proportion of straight me do?

The only difference would be the psychological perception of the aforementioned stimulation. That is, if a man thinks enjoying anal stimulation means you’re gay, and doesn’t want to think of himself as gay, he might not allow himself to enjoy it.

And of course, not all gay guys enjoy it, so we shouldn’t imagine that if everyone got over their hangups then everyone would enjoy anal stimulation.


It can be fun. Obviously one reason is the prostate. IMO the other reason is the role and power reversal to have the girl fucking you!

YMMV of course.

Apparently (and not having one, I have no first hand experience) some men find having their prostate gland manually (or otherwise) stimulated to feel pretty frikin’ good. Regardless of gayness or non-gayness.

See I have heard it is because of the prostate and the nerves in the anus. I have known men who enjoy having it rubbed but get irked if anything was even close to penetrating it. (This is not personal experience)

Like a rocket. Some folks call the prostate the ‘male g-spot’.

Of course it’s true.

First we have the thread on transsexual porn and now this.

Yes, there are straight men who enjoy being anally penetrated by women. It’s called “pegging.” The nerve endings exist regardless of your orientation, after all. Lesbians and straight men can enjoy penetration, gay men and straight women can enjoy penetrating. Human sexuality is truly remarkable.

No, I’m not. I’m just wondering if it’s really done and really enjoyable. I might try it some day, but probably not; I’ve been diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids (yes, there is such a thing).

Well, you know there are plenty of gay guys who like it, right? So I guess I have a hard time understanding why you think straight guys couldn’t like it. As I said, a guy’s asshole is a guy’s asshole, being gay doesn’t change the physiology of your asshole.

Dan Savage says the only time a man is gay for being anally penetrated is if it’s another guy’s dick doing it.

(I mangled the quote, but that’s the idea)

I agree entirely, but I’m curious about the context of the statement . . .

Why do you think gay guys do it? For the membership card?

I always assumed it had something to do with the limited menu of available apertures.

That would explain why they give, but not why they receive.

I convinced my boyfriend to let me do this to him once, after he’d had a few. Quite a few. He had a touch of the Whiskey Dick, but as soon as I put my finger in his bum he’d perk right up. He liked it so much, it made me jealous.

[whiny voice] Why can’t I have a prostate, too?[/whiny voice]

Thanks for reminding me. Now I’m going to go pout.

It’s God’s way of making up for not letting us have multiple orgasms.

Yes, yes, and yes. My wife has tried it on me, starting with a time I had a few drinks. Oh, is this limited to a vibrator and/or strap-on? No, no, and no.

Well, she has turned on her vibrator and rubbed it around me. The way my wife put it one day, if it feels good for her, why wouldn’t it feel good for me?