Straight Men - What Desired Sexual Act/Aspect Won't Your Wife/Partner Do With You (Now or Ever)?

She’s GGG and we’ve done pretty much everything either of us has wanted to do, in our 41 years together. We’re still thinking up new stuff, though. :wink:

Some people desperately need to spend some time reading Dan Savage.

Yeah, that’s not a poll option.

I picked a couple things I might like to do but know better than to ask (I know the answer, this is not lack of communication). But nothing I really want to do. And probably stuff that seems fun in the imagination which usually doesn’t work out so well in reality. So, I’m good. No complaints!


I can only assume she wouldn’t have a threesome/group sex/swing, but only because I’ve never asked. We jokingly discussed watersports once and she demurred, but it wasn’t an actual “I’d like to try this”-type of request. Beyond that, we either have done it or do it regularly.

Without answering the poll, you know that Saturday Night Live sketch with Will Farrell and Rachel Dratch as his “luh-ver” in the hot tub talking about all the exotic lovemaking they’ve done, but it ends up with him hurting his back and he can’t even move?

That’s kinda where we are at this stage of our lives.


OK seriously, a guy can make wee-wee when he is limp or in a semi-tumescent state, and most water sports is probably done as a warm-up or foreplay activity anyway. It can be a really hot and exciting wind-up. If done properly, it is also messy as hell, so it’s not the kind of thing you’re going to do in bed or on the nice carpet or food preparation areas, unless you’ve put a tarp down. There’s more to water sports than pee-pee.

Or in the tub.

Please don’t elaborate.

If there is a line she won’t cross it’s way off towards the horizon. No we haven’t done the entire list but I’m not interested in the entire list. I’m happy.

Sleep on the wet patch.

It’s not a joke.

Two oldthreads full of useful advice for just this situation.

Nothing that’s any of your business.

I’ve honestly never in my life seen Dopers be this cagey in a thread about sex.

Gentle suggestion: marry a woman who likes to give blow jobs. Some of us drool just thinking about them.

Hear, hear.

Someday I will give my son a piece of advice: Never marry a woman who doesn’t adore your penis, or who treats BJs as a chore or a favor.

She won’t do that.

Even you married guys should be able to satisfy anything with enough effort/funds. It’s just that the effort and funds required goes way up…especially if you get a bad lawyer.:stuck_out_tongue:

Another old joke:

Q: What is “torque”?

A: It’s what brings up your heels from the floor when you get up to piss in the morning.