Straight to voicemail?

I was wondering if there is anyway to call someone and go straight to their voicemail? (instead of having to wait for it to ring) I have Verizon. Thanks!

If you are calling a phone system, the rules they have in place and the setting chosen by the user will determine this option, not you.

Generally, the answer to your question is ‘no’.

Get a friend to call them. While it’s still ringing, before they pick up, call them from your phone.

Yes, you can, if you can find out the number for their local voicemail exchange. Usually you’ll have to punch in their number once you’ve dialed the exchange.

Shady reps from AT&T’s “Executive Response Team” use this method to contact customers in response to FCC complaints. They’d rather play games than solve problems. Alas, I digress…

I have Verizon.

Dial your voice mail and log in. It will give you an option to “send a message” (on mine, it’s option two). It will prompt to record the message. Next, it asks for the destination number; use all ten digits. The system will verify the number, then ask if you would like to send the message to another number. At this point, you may disconnect.

You can send a message to your own cell phone number if you feel the need to practice.

I don’t know if this will work for a landline’s voice mail. I won’t risk calling my house this early to find out. :slight_smile:

In my experience, BrattiAtti’s method will only work if the number you’re sending to is on your provider’s network, but I’d be interested to hear if I’m wrong on that. I don’t see how, for instance, Verizon’s voice mail system could hook into my (Sprint’s) voice mail system to send a message directly to my inbox.