Strange theft

One day while moving the cars around for street sweeping, I noticed the hood of my Escort wasn’t closed properly. I immediately thought someone must have stolen the battery. I lifted the hood, nope batteries there. I then checked out the inside; registration and insurance papers there, nothing seems to be missing. Maybe I left it like that after working on it, I figured. I promptly forgot about it.

Cut to three weeks later.

I’m again moving cars around this time because garbage will be picked up the next morning. It’s evening so I turn on the headlights. Nothing happens. I try the high beams, nothing. I pull the car into the garage and turn on the garage lights. I check the fuses, they’re good. So now I open the hood to check the light cables. Ahh here’s the problem… there are no lights attached to the cable. Someone had stolen just the headlights, nothing else. Whoever did it had carefully put the cables back into the receptacle, so I didn’t notice they were missing.

How is that for Mundane? Anyone got a similar story?

Somebody once stole a single speaker from my truck. The thief neatly linded-up the screws on the dashboard, and even left behind the screwdriver, lined-up with the screws.

A definite “Huh?” moment.

I had someone steal my gas cap once. It was attached with a plastic tether so that you don’t forget it at the gas station, but the thief snipped it off. I noticed when I went to fill up the gas and opened the metal panel that covers it.

I had a friend who had the driveshaft stolen out of his pickup, parked in his driveway, one night.

don’t these scumbags know thats what pick-n-pull is for? you pay one lousy dollar and you can steal all you can cram in your pockets! headlights, bulbs, fuses, nuts and bolts, plug wires, dash-board voltage regulators for ford pickups-- you name it! christ, they’re tryin’ to put people outta work!

only a true dirtbag thieves shit off someones car on the street!

i had a motorcycle stolen once, and i know whoever took it couldn’t ever make it run, it was one of “those kinds of things”

Spring Break, 1991. I’m a junior in college, living off-campus with a roommate. Get back from a week away (Spring Break in Kansas, woo-hoo… but my 21st birthday fell over the blessed holiday, and you know how mothers can get about birthdays…), and, upon arriving in my apartment, notice a strange draft coming from my bedroom…

Lo and behold, the window is smashed to bits, and my TV and VCR are gone…

Perfectly logical, right? Until you think about the fact that my roommate’s TV and VCR were still there, as were the contents of both of our jewelry boxes (and we were both spoiled little princesses, so there was loot to be had from those bad boys).

Still logical, you’re thinking, since maybe in the limited amount of time they had to make the heist, the thieves only went as far as my bedroom (via which window they’d come in), and only went for the obvious (i.e., large electronics in plain view).

Well, you’d be wrong, since they DID find the time to steal a $20 camera (the value of which was grossly overrated on the insurance forms) from my roommate’s closet, the bath mat and a couple of dirty towels from her bathroom, the area rug from the living room, and a can opener, spatula, and box of Frosted Flakes from the kitchen.

Unfortunately, the only explanation any of us (me, the roomie, or our friends) could come up with is that my ex-boyfriend had done it to get revenge on me, but then worried that I’d suspect him if only my things were gone, and so went waddling through the apartment grabbing shit, to make it look like an Equal Opportunity Heist.

He was only operating with about 38 cards in the deck, that one.

Someone once stole my “Philosophy and Ethics” book in college.

Some years ago a friend of mine tells me he was riding his motorcycle yesterday and the chain broke so he just had to leave it there. Could I give him a ride on my motorcycle to buy a new chain and then to where he left his bike? Sure thing. No problem.

We go buy the chain and when we arrive at his motorcycle a couple of kids were working on it … installing a new chain! I just stood by at a prudent distance. My friend observed them and said nothing… The kids were a bit alarmed but seeing no one said anything they continued working (they were almost finished)… When they were done, my friend said to them “thanks for fixing my bike” and he got on it and rode off. (oh the days when you didn’t have to fear a kid pulling a gun or a knife on you)

Boy auntie em you should screen those guys a little more carefully. A bath mat? I don’t even like to walk on other peoples bath mats.

My wife had her car broken into just yesterday. They smashed the passenger side window and made off with her makeup bag!
Nothing else, just her makeup. Perhaps some girl forgot hers and decided to take my wifes? Who knows. It sucks though, thats for sure!

The summer after I graduated from college I lived in a pretty run-down house on the wrong side of the tracks. One day, I came home from a shopping trip or something to a smashed in lock on the back door. I didn’t have a lot, but there were a couple TV’s and a VCR, as well as an outdated microwave. They were all still there. So were my few pieces of legit jewelry. So was the $120 or so in cash I had stashed in a drawer. So what was gone, you ask. Well, let’s see

[ul] My dog’s leash
A home pregnancy test
A large metal stock pot
All of the soap/shampoo/conditioner
My vibrator

I still haven’t been able to figure that one out.


soiled underpants and a kitten…

[ul] My dog’s leash
A home pregnancy test
A large metal stock pot
All of the soap/shampoo/conditioner
My vibrator

I still haven’t been able to figure that one out.

bella **


Must’ve been my ex. He stole the can opener from me to open the dog’s food. The dog wouldn’t eat and kept throwing up on the bathmat, so he stole your soap and shampoo to clean it, and the home pregnancy test, thinking the dog might be knocked up (and while he was at it, he should take a stockpot to boil sheets and towels for when the puppies come).

Turns out the dog was a BOY, so he decided to hire him out for stud. (He’d gotten really excited about the prospect of puppies, especially what with a brand new box of Frosted Flakes to feed them and a cheap camera to take their picture.) None of the girl dogs who met the boy dog were willing to get it on with him–they kept kicking his ass, and sending him limping home. Figuring that maybe the dog just didn’t know how to please the ladies, my ex sent the poor pooch back into the ring with the vibrator, thinking that might get things going…




Despite frequent readings of his pilfered –doin"Philosophy and Ethics" text, Klepto-Psycho Boy continues with his wily ways, and this time, he’s got a hankerin’ for some soiled panties and a driveshaft. But first he must go to his job as a stripper-clown (thereby making him klepto-psycho-stripper-clown boy), only–OH NO!–he’s forgotten his makeup at home. Whatever shall he do?


:smiley:auntie em, you’re a hoot :smiley:

good thread Stuffy!

bella–doing the 200th post wiggle

His Philosophy and Ethics book was also a frequent read.

bella–shamefacedly[sub]I previewed and everything![/sub]

About 20 years ago I was working in a wrecking yard my father owned. I had parked my old 69 Dodge truck across the street next to an apartment complex to open parking in front of the yard. I had spent about an hour in the back of the yard clearing blackberry vines when my dad called for me. Leaning against the door of the office was the tailgate off my truck. Inside a scuzzy looking guy is wanting to know how much he can get for the tailgate off “his” truck so he could buy diapers and food for his baby. Of course, I told him I would buy it but I wanted to make sure it would fit my truck. He stayed in the office and could not see me reattach the tailgate to my truck. I came back and told him that the tailgate fit perfect but I had to make a phone call before I could pay him. I dialed some random number and and said “Hi, Pierce County Sheriffs office?”. He ran out the door and straight to my truck. Just as he looked back I was at the gate to the yard with a big grin. He looked at me kind of stupidly and walked away. I never saw the guy again.

In Monterey, California at the gay bar (No longer there) on Lighthouse Ave, someone took the urinal cakes out of the urinals. I actually found this story searching the net for it.

That takes the cake.

I’ve been at my job for a little over three years now. I started a keeping a penny jar on my desk shortly after I started. I’ts a small round glass jar (Maybe it used to be a salsa container? dont remember, not important.)

Anyway, I’ve been dumping pennies into this thing for 3 years, and I nearly had it full. I noticed one day last week that someone had stolen about 2 inches worth of pennies out of it (Maybe worth a buck fifty?) This blew my mind. Why not just take the whole thing? What did they carry them in?

Somebody stole the rear windshield out of my dad’s Jetta while it was sitting in our driveway. Unfortunately, we didn’t find this out until we left to go somewhere on a rainy day.

As a friend of mine and I returned to my Honda Accord after seeing a movie, we realized someone had broken a side window and ripped out the ignition, supposedly to steal it (the police only needed to jam a screwdriver into the hole to start it). I have no idea why they didn’t steal it, but I kinda wish they would have: the day after I got it fixed, it completely died on the highway.

I used to own and operate the Hollywood theatre in Norman OK. The place was opened in '68 and went through a few owners till I took over in the early '90s. When I took over the place there was a larg rock in the rock garden out front that had been painted bright green. I had no idea what it was.

One day I was talking to a guy who worked the the theatre long before I did and he told me that the rock was part of a promotion for Superman The Movie. It was supposed to be a piece of kryptonite. My employees who grew up in Norman remembered the promotion and the rock fondly.

When I was closing the theatre nobody was taking over so it was kind of a sad human interest story in the local news. During the death throes, I mean last few days I came to the theatre and noticed that the rock was gone.

Somebody stole a large (about 6’ long 2’ wide and 1’ high) rock that was painted green.