I’ve been wanting for a very long time to be able to access my music collection on my laptop directly without the hassle of copying stuff and to be able to go over new music and delete songs that I don’t like while listening.
Right now the only way for me to do it is to copy to the phone and the phone makes it a hassle to delete songs you don’t like (need to open a separate app, find the location etc). Then I’d need to remember to merge my phone music with the laptop one which is also a hassle. I end up just streaming from youtube and not making any progress in checking out new music while I am away from my laptop.
Does anyone know of a way to do this easily?
Are there many people who would be interested in an app which would connect your phone to your laptops media library and enable direct streaming with file deletion?
(I am not interested in remoting my laptop screen, just media directly, that is very different)