I can’t…there are no words…:smack: :rolleyes: :eek:
This is news.
Old news.
Somebody’s been posting drunk.
It may be old news, but it’s the first I’ve heard of it, despite having lived in South Carolina for five years.
Another fine graduate of the Beagle school of thread title typing.
It’s worse than you know–I seem to have multiposted.
Moderators–please lock this thread.
Y’know…I keep coming back to this thread, thinking I’ll have something more worthwhile to add than “Is anyone really surprised?” But I can’t.
I cannot adequately register my disgust for the man. Especially after reading that article.
Really? I’m interested in hearing why exactly you despise him so much. (Yes, I do know what he used to stand for, etc.) I’d just like to hear your specific, personal reasons.
Like the article said, that particular story has never gotten much press. The one or two other times I’ve heard of it, the story was very timidly and quietly presented-- and quick to point out that there is no proof. (I doubt there ever will be.)
While Strom has a political history I’m not always proud of, I have to admit that he and his staff did do a lot of good things for the citizens of South Carolina. (I know that might seem ironic. I’m sorry.) The ‘little things’ that no one hears about were the ones that SC seemed to care about and remember the most: the times when he arranged for free tickets, or cleared up that problem with the INS for so-and-so’s uncle, or got the neighbor’s son shipped back home…My mother has always said that he had a very good and efficient staff, and that’s one of the (only) reasons she respected him as a politician.
I agree that Strom was a great politician.
I find it very interesting that you used the phrase ‘used to stand for’, too.
Well, Searching, let us set aside “what he USED to stand for” for the moment. Strom Thurmond had a child out of wedlock with a woman whom he never once publicly acknowledged. While he was married. Nor did he publicly acknowledge that child. He continued his relationship with this woman during his second marriage. From what I have read about the man, this was in complete defiance of the morals he so loudly and proudly cast in the faces of his fellow politicians, not to mention the president he loudly decried for not being able to keep it zipped. Self righteous, pompous hipocracy.
As for “what he used to stand for?” Does one apology wipe out fifty years of behavior? Saying “I’m sorry” doesn’t undo the past. It doesn’t make it better. Even my kids know that. You are responsible for your own actions. The man should be judged by the same yard stick he held up to everyone else.
Sorry, Searching, I did not mean to rant at you… I’m sure I don’t know his whole record. But hipocracy does inflame me.
I believe he voted to impeach Clinton.
Did he? I’ve read some prepared statements issued by his office, but around the time of impeachment I think his faculties had eroded to the point that he wasn’t doing anything “loudly,” including decrying.
Earl , a microphone on the senate floor is pretty loud. Especially if you have your press office forward your statement to the Washinton Post .
I wasn’t going to touch that one with a ten-foot pole if I could help it!
Maureen, is there any actual proof that the woman in the article is Strom’s child? Besides heresay from those authors?
Oh, who even cares about Strom Thurmond and his family? That guy was an old, racist, arrogant creep!
Does this support your contention? I saw nothing in that decrying his morality–only the fact that the accused had lied under oath and obstructed an *investigation–and it appeared to be just a submitted statement. Did he actually make that long a speech on the floor? It said the proceedings were closed.
*An investigation–the Paula Jones sexual harassment case–that was admittedly probably a load of horse hockey, but that’s a separate debate.