StrTrkr--How is the baby?

I looked up your thread. Last post was last weekend. I have been thinking about Kimberly and the rest of your family and hope she is doing well.

How are things going?

I never hate myself in the morning. I sleep till noon.
–Sig line courtesy of Wally :slight_smile:

Yeah, me too. I’ve been wondering about all of you. I hope you all are doing well. Let us know, please.

You are more than a human being, you are a human becoming.
Og Mandino

That’s my name, not a description. I am neither purple nor a bear. Okay, so I’m purple.<a true Wally original!>

Me too, I am not good with stuff like this, so I dont usually post. I get all stupid and cry and stuff, so I hope things are ok.

Jeffery had a baby?!? Where have I been? Where’s the thread?

Not a newbie…formerly ARG220

Okay everyone, sorry for not posting any lately. Things have been hectic at work and I have not been able to post much there and even more hectic at home and have hardly even turned the computer on here.

Okay, for Adam and those that did not see the first post.

My wife and I were expecting our second child due in early July.

Two weeks ago, some things happened and the doctors felt it was in the best interest of the baby, for the baby to be delivered.

So last Sunday, the doctors did a C-section and delivered our second girl (Kimberly Elizabeth).

She was 14 weeks premature and weighed only 1.5 lbs. She is in the Neonatal ICU for the next several weeks (probably a minimum of 8 weeks).

Well, how have things been the last two weeks?

She was breathing on her own with some help from a ventilator using tubes in her nose. But after about the first day, they decided that to allow her to conserve her energy to grow, they would put her on a respirator. She was on that for about a day and they weened her off and put her back on the ventilator (she was doing so well, and the ventilator does less damage to the lungs than the respirator). She was off the resp. for a week, and then they decided that she was working too hard again and put her back on the resp. She was on it for a couple of days and she came back off today.

She is feeding (taking milk that my wife has pumped). They are feeding her about a .25 of an ounce a day currently. She is getting other nutrients intravenously.

She is doing well. She is acting like a premature baby and is progressing well.

Again, I want to thank all of you for your prayers, thoughts, and kind words. I ask that you continue to remember our family and especially Kimberly in your prayers.

I will continue to try to keep everyone updated.


That’s good to hear, man.

Continued best wishes to you, your tiny one, and the rest of your family.

May the Lord be with Kimberly, and with you and your wife too, Jeffery. This isn’t an easy road, but hopefully it’ll all work out OK.

Oh, I am do happy that everything is going well. I know that you must be very busy with everything going on, and we appreciate that you keep us updated. I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Wonderful news!

Glad to hear the news, too! keep us posted.

Cecil said it. I believe it. That settles it.

Wow!! What great news to come in and get to read about today!! Excellent, ya’ll are still in my prayers, and I hope that you’ll keep seeing improvements every day in your beautiful little girl!!. Is she a ‘daddy’s little girl’ already??


“Muck should replace ‘suck’. For ‘muck’ is yucky, while ‘suck’ feels very lucky. So, don’t stay stuck on suck, switch to MUCK, today.”

I’m thinking and praying for your little one every day.

Still thinking and praying about it, Jeffery, and I’m so pleased that everything’s going well.


Jeffery, my prayers go out to you, and your enitre family, especially for your wife, and Kimberly. Congratulations on the birth of your second daughter. God be with you all.


Add my prayers to the list. I’m glad things are going well for you all.

Give your children these two things: One is roots, the other, wings - Wally Wally He’s our Man

Just adding my good wishes and thoughts. A close friend of mine had a premature baby- it was a hard road for them, but he is now a healthy, hardy 4 year old. No worse for the wear! Congrats on your baby :slight_smile:

“If I had to live your life, I’d be begging to have someone pop out both my eyes. Just in case I came across a mirror.” - android209 (in the Pit)
Voted “Most Empathetic”- can you believe that?

Thanks for all the kind words and prayers.

My wife and I went yesterday evening to see Kimberly. She is continuing to do well and is acting like a premature baby. Tough on the parents because we are not used to the monitors and vital signs dipping briefly, but no big deal for the medical staff.

Anyway, what was really good about this trip was that there was a mother with her son there when we got there. Yesterday was his 1st birthday. He had been born about 14 weeks premature and weighed 1.5 lbs like Kimberly. He spent 12 weeks in the hospital and went home at 4.3 lbs. At a year old he was just toddling along and you would never have been able to tell he was not born a normal weight just like any other baby.

So seeing a child that was in a very similar situation just a year ago and seeing that he is a normal child and hearing the mother proclaim how great the medical staff is at the hospital made my wife and I feel good. I believe that everything is going to work out and I believe that God has blessed this child and us with her. I know it will seem a long road as we travel it, but when we have her home it will seem to have passed quickly.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have lots of friends and I have shared this with them, but I consider you guys to be my friends as well and that is why I have shared with the SDMB.

Again, thanks for everything. May God bless you all.


Thank you for sharing your happy story with us! It’s always good to hear a story with a happy conclusion. A year from now, little Kimberly and her parents will be cheering up another worried couple.