Okay everyone, sorry for not posting any lately. Things have been hectic at work and I have not been able to post much there and even more hectic at home and have hardly even turned the computer on here.
Okay, for Adam and those that did not see the first post.
My wife and I were expecting our second child due in early July.
Two weeks ago, some things happened and the doctors felt it was in the best interest of the baby, for the baby to be delivered.
So last Sunday, the doctors did a C-section and delivered our second girl (Kimberly Elizabeth).
She was 14 weeks premature and weighed only 1.5 lbs. She is in the Neonatal ICU for the next several weeks (probably a minimum of 8 weeks).
Well, how have things been the last two weeks?
She was breathing on her own with some help from a ventilator using tubes in her nose. But after about the first day, they decided that to allow her to conserve her energy to grow, they would put her on a respirator. She was on that for about a day and they weened her off and put her back on the ventilator (she was doing so well, and the ventilator does less damage to the lungs than the respirator). She was off the resp. for a week, and then they decided that she was working too hard again and put her back on the resp. She was on it for a couple of days and she came back off today.
She is feeding (taking milk that my wife has pumped). They are feeding her about a .25 of an ounce a day currently. She is getting other nutrients intravenously.
She is doing well. She is acting like a premature baby and is progressing well.
Again, I want to thank all of you for your prayers, thoughts, and kind words. I ask that you continue to remember our family and especially Kimberly in your prayers.
I will continue to try to keep everyone updated.