students protesting FOR segregation?

I’ve seen similar protests before, but this is perhaps the clearest one to date.

Am I missing something here or are these protesters fighting for racial segregation? Is segregation back in style?

You lose points right off the bat for citing Fox News. Kindly provide a non-awful source, thanks.

…wow. That article was dreadful. Did the author of that article just watch a youtube video and then “report” what they saw on the video?

Oh, just saw where the Fox News article “sourced” their information. Heat St. The anti-SJW, pro-goobergate site. :: shrugs ::

If you need a safe space from sources such as Fox News, maybe this isn’t the thread for you. I’m sure there’ll be a “safe source only” thread along shortly to accommodate your needs.

*If *this is true, then yes, this isn’t healing racial issues one bit. It’s 100% counterproductive.

You like wallowing in toxic waste?

Despite what people might have you think, being surrounded by your in-group and being isolated from the pressure of having to fulfill stereotypes actually could be beneficial to your educational development.

Is it nonsensical? Maybe… but more importantly it’s empirically verified.

EDIT: Read a bit more of the Wikipedia article. It’s not free of controversy. Nevertheless, the ‘phenomenon’ is of interest.

Thank you. This is exactly what I wanted to discuss. It sounds like segregation is back in style. Is that the take-away I was supposed to get from your post?

“Interesting, **if **true.”
-Rich Little.

Here is a safe-space-approved source (the Atlantic) discussing the issue a couple of months ago: The Fine Line Between Safe Space and Segregation

Some small (very small!) people may want segregation or something like it, but that doesn’t mean it’s “back in style” or anything like that.

It’s funny how the source, regardless of accuracy, is demonized instead of the issue being addressed. Might as well derail the thread if it’s a non liberal approved source.

But with regards to the racial segregation, don’t ever expect consistency on these issues.

I meant small number of people, not small people. Oops.

Randy Newman thanks you.

That’s the problem with establishing yourself as a dishonest and deliberately untrustworthy news source: even when you’re right, people don’t believe you.

Thank you for stepping up your game to a Real news cite.
We only objected to you stepping onto the field with that cheesy Pop Warner League cite of FOX News.
Now that we can see you’re serious, we’re happy to scrimmage.

I think some of you are in denial. It is even deeper than individual examples in colleges. The whole thought process against ‘cultural appropriation’ is fundamentally segregationist as well and that idea is currently in vogue among some of the leftist intelligentsia. You can dress it up in fancy language all you want but all it translates to is nothing but exclusionary stereotypes based on the idea that people inherit their sociological status and should ‘own’ anything associated with it from clothing styles to food. The more subtle implication is that you should stick with your own kind, fight the melting pot and view others as distinct groups.

Can’t real Progressives ever admit that the regressive-leftgoes off the rails sometimes and promotes some ideas that should be the antithesis of their stated goals?

Irritating self righteous college students are irritating, self-righteous. Film at 11:00.

Aren’t they breaking the law blockading the street like that? Or maybe they had a permit. My guess is the cops just figured arresting them would just escalate the situation, but I’d like to know more about the specific incident than I could get from the context free video and the very short story.

This is an example of Horseshoe Theory at work; that the far left and far right end up sounding similar or even almost identical.

Both far-right or far-left activists have called for anarchy - or, sometimes, totalitarian regimes.

Both far-right and far-left activists have called for isolationism or military non-intervention.

Many KKK white supremacists and Black Panthers call for racial segregation.

Many religious conservatives and feminists both attack pornography; albeit for different reasons. And some religious conservatives and feminists both promote the view that women are weak, vulnerable, and easily preyed on by big, bad, predatory men.

I don’t think it’s a public street. The story called it Sather Gate. Still, I doubt anyone issued them a permit to block the gate (“time, place and manner” restrictions are still valid). Personally, I’m far less concerned with them blocking traffic than the shoving and bullying of students of the perceived-to-be-“wrong” race.