So I have a new waffle iron. For $16, I couldn’t resist. I made my first waffles a couple of weeks ago. (Of course I’ve had waffles. But aside from an automatic waffle maker at a hotel about four years ago, I’ve never actually made waffles.) Today I used the waffle maker for the second time. I made stuffing waffles.
I put some stuffing leftover from Thanksgiving into one side of the maker, and let it cook. When it was done, I made an over-easy egg in a pan. Stuffing waffle on plate, egg on stuffing waffle, break the yolk and let it run all over the place.
It wasn’t bad. Not great, but not bad at all. Just a little boring. I liked the crispy stuffing, but I think the stuffing tastes better with giblet gravy.
So let me get this straight - mr. singular is currently on a waffle binge and I might try this on him. You put stuffing on the waffle plate instead of batter? Sounds good. Then an egg instead of syrup. Not sure about that part - I might go with gravy with turkey shards. But I’m intrigued and will experiment.
I wasn’t sure I got the details from that radio show correct, but it sounded like they were using left-over, uncooked stuffing. That is, stuffing from the bag that wasn’t used on T-Day. Is that right? I mean, you can surely do it with left-over, cooked stuffing, but they seemed to be claiming that the “real” way to do it was to use the uncooked stuff.
I didn’t hear the story. It never occurred to me to use uncooked stuffing, as any stuffing would be made on Thanksgiving and there would only be cooked leftovers.
Here is the transcript. I think I misunderstood what they were saying because they talked about pouring it out of a bag. I took that to mean uncooked, but I think they had cooked stuffing in a bag.
SHAPIRO: OK, the waffle iron is hot. I have a bag of leftover stuffing here. We’re going to give this a try. I just pour on the stuffing out of the bag. And now I’m going to close it up and crush that stuff down into that waffle iron.
HU: Meanwhile, in a separate pan…
SHAPIRO: Now for the egg.
HU: Pop it on a plate. Top it with that egg.
That’s exactly how I did it. Only, I took the stuffing out of a container instead of a bag.
I’ve had these before at a restaurant. IIRC they made turkey sandwiches out of them. Stuffing waffle - turkey - cranberry sauce - waffle, with a container of giblet gravy for either dipping or pouring over the whole thing. Not bad at all for leftovers.
I wonder what it’d be like to use focaccia dough in the iron to make focaccia waffle sammiches. Roasted red pepper, goat cheese, basil, onions, a drizzle of vinaigrette…