I’ve come down with some strain of Mutant Evil Virus From Space (MEVFS, thanks the Tick ), and have been hammering it for the last few days with megadoses of Vitamin C, Echinecia, and green tea, as well as Tylenol’s new liquid Cold and Flu meds (daytime version), last night i noticed i was running low on my “take no prisoners” med, NyQuil (must…resist…urge…to…make…Lewis Black…or Denis Leary…Reference…), so i stopped into the local pharmacy for another bottle of NyQuil Red (the only thing in the world that tastes like red…damn, said i wasn’t going to do that)
i get it home, and notice a small yellow sign in the corner “New formula, Pseudoephedrine-free”, sure enough, i compare the labels on the old bottle and the new bottle…
new one is missing Pseudoephedrine, and Nasal Congestion is off the list of things it cures, and since my nose is alternatively running like a river, and dry as the Sahara, it would be nice to have a med that relieves nasal congestion…
strangely enough, the Tylenol liquid meds also contains Pseudoephedrine (more of it than even old NyQuil…), as does the store-brand knockoff of NyQuil i bought tonight
i know they’ve changed the laws regarding Pseudoephedrine, to prevent meth-heads from cooking it up in their homebrew stills (or whatever the hell it is they use, i hope these jerks blow themselves up while making that crap), but it pisses me off that they had to ruin a formerly decent cold med
and no, before you ask, i could care less about the alcohol content in the “big frakkin Q!” (damn, there i go again, said i wasn’t going to do that…), there could be 0% alcohol in it, and i’d still use it, because the stuff works, heck, it’d probably make the stuff easier to down if they ditched the alcohol, hey Vicks, howsabout a trade, you put the Pseudoephedrine (Dear Og i love cut-and-paste, sure makes it a heck of a lot easier to keep typing in Pseudoephedrine… ) back in, and take out the alcohol, sound like a good trade? works for me…