Stupid Grammy Nominations

Okay, this isn’t really important, and I rarely watch these awards shows anyway, but it annoys me that they are so STUPID!

This is from the AP:

I thought that these plastic “musicians” appealed only to 13-year-old girls. I guess I was wrong.


“Anger is what makes America great.”

Hey step off Macy Gray - she actually has talent.

As for the others…

I’m speechless that this kind of fluff has so taken over the commercial music scene.


Commander, I was pretty much referring to Ricky Martin, the Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears. Also Cher. I know she’s been popular for a long time, but “Believe” makes me go into convulsions.

Anyone see Buffy last week? Buffy’s roommate played Cher constantly until Buffy realized she was evil and needed to die. There was some more in there, but that was all that they needed to convince me.


“Anger is what makes America great.”

NIN’s The Fragile was nominated (that’s good)…but only once (that’s bad)

“What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?” --W.C. Fields

As if Cher’s voice wasn’t bad enough before the treatments on “I believe”. yuk

You know what I am afraid of?

All these great new bands . … and Santana will win all the awards!

One thing you can count on at the Grammys- some obscure, washed old has-been will cop all the hardware!

The Grammys suck.

Santana’s not obscure! (Except maybe to you.) He’s great! I dunno about his new stuff, but I grew up listening to Abraxis, and he’s about five gazillion times better than all of the Backstreet Boys put together with a cherry on top.


“Anger is what makes America great.”

Not that the music is great but at least Kid Rock has a gimmick (albeit a stupid one…)

Born O.K. the first time…

If you are born again, do you have two belly-buttons?

We got a Grammy nomination for Motorhead doing “Enter Sandman” on the ECW compilation we put out… It’s the second Grammy nomination for the label I work for! So we’re all pretty psyched…

Can’t wait to see Lemmy at the awards ceremony… :slight_smile:

Yer pal,

Santana has got to be one of the best guitar players alive today. Hope he kicks some wimpy boys-band ass.
– Sylence

I don’t have an evil side. Just a really, really apathetic one.

Congrats, Satan ! You’re gonna hang out with Lemmy ?? Wow… I love that guy !

I have a picture at home (from some magazine, don’t remember which) that show Lemmy downing a pint of Ale. He’s wearing a jeans jacket that sports two buttons: one says “What kind of slut do you think I am ?” and the other says “I fuck goats” :wink:
Below it is a typical oneliner-ish “Best Movie, Best Band” interview. When asked what his most influencial books were, Lemmy responded, “English Law, I - XII”.

Say hello to mr. Kilmister for me, Satan. The man’s a legend.


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Are you saying that award shows are an obvious attemp by the music business to push even more mass-produced commercialilzed pop-rock down the throats of mindless consumers in the sole hope of producing more record sales and with complete disregard for the quality of the musc?

Nooo! Tell me it is not so! My youthful idealism! My understanding of the world would be turned on its head! Television would never lie to me!