Stupid Gun news of the day (Part 2)

9-year-old shoots 4-year-old in the head with uncle’s gun he found in the house. Law enforcement mulling charges. :thinking:

The question is, who would be charged?

The 9 year old for shooting or the 4 year old for being shot?

Certainly not the law abiding gun owner who is the real victim here.

… is adding a " /s " just seems like handing that guy a free silencer.

Have you ever seen a 4 year old? They’re disgusting, and everything that they touch somehow becomes sticky.

I bet they’re hard to clean with either gun cleaner or a wire brush.

Then again, it’s Texas.

Goddam you, this is not a laughing matter.

(Well … at least you made me cry.)

You’re right. There is nothing that’s funny about the death of a child.

The only solution for a tired and cranky teenager with a gun is a well-rested pre-teen with a gun.

Shouldn’t this go under positive gun news? It’s an example of an oppressed minority fighting back against a tyrannical authority.

Anything to keep them from ‘Shuffling off to Buffalo’…

The Bastrop, Tex., Chamber of Commerce is giving a way a gun in a raffle every week this year. What could possibly go wrong?

Has anyone seen this 4 year old? I bet he’s a crisis actor.

Considering that the winners will have to pass a standard background check to receive the weapon, I’m going to to with… Nothing more than any other legal weapon purchase.
Put your hankie back in your pocket, snowflake, and save your fainting couch for a real story…

It’s as if this thread, and its predecessor, don’t exist…

How hard is it to pass that background check in Texas?

It’s an FBI screening, so the same as in New York or California. Nice try though.

ETA: Now if you’re talking about carry permits, that’s an entirely different level of stupid on the NY/CA side.

Yeah, background checks prevent gun violence. So let’s just give away 52 more guns this year.

Here’s a good ol’ Texan who bought a gun legally through a dealer, presumably passed a background check, and then killed 22 people.

Here’s a good ol’ Texan who owned guns legally and presumably passed a background check, but oops, let his kid grab them and kill 10 people.

Here’s a good ol’ Texan who had a conviction for domestic abuse and a military court martial but, oops, the they forgot to report it so he was able to pass a background check. And then he killed 26 people.

Thus proving background checks are worthless and should be done away with!


Thus proving that saying, “Don’t worry, they’ll have a background check” does not wave the problem away.