Stupid Gun news of the day (Part 2)

Hence the new growing epidemic of toddlers in orange.

He had no business bringing a gun in there.

If he’s required to ‘wear a gun at all times’ then he should be responsible enough to know that there are some places that are off limits to him due to common sense. You wouldn’t go on a rollercoaster with a gun; if the holster failed, that gun would go flying.

And speaking of idiots, who picks up a strange gun from the floor and immediately begins ‘dry firing’ it at a living human being? Dumb.

Yeah, dumb, but… It’s a haunted house, everything’s scary but safe. I don’t know that I can really fault him all that much here for thinking that the gun was a part of the performance. After all, why the hell else would there be a gun sliding across the floor to him, who the fuck would bring a loaded gun to a haunted house?

I’m also not on board with the “contributing to the delinquency of a minor” part. If after the shooting, he said, “Here, take this and hide it!” then sure. If after the shooting he was in shock as to what he had just done, and simply gave the gun to the first person he saw, then there really is no intent there. I don’t think that I’d be thinking clearly if I found myself in that position.

The person at fault 100% is the person who not only brought a gun to a haunted house, but failed to properly secure and control their gun.

I see that POV, and I respect it. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned. Guns as a fun part of a haunted house performance just… well it seems off to me. The .22 rifles at the arcades are chained down on both ends. The guns attached to seats on rides are really flashlights painted neon colors and are powered/attached by a cable. A prop gun that could be picked up off the floor and fired seems like an incredibly bad idea.

Still… I can see your POV.

Well, look what’s now the leading cause of deaths for young Americans…

Guns don’t kill kids. People who leave guns where children can get to them kill kids.

What is the significance 14 and 88?

Here and here

I originally posted this in the Positive Gun News thread, but I don’t want to catch more mod flak, so moving it here.

Wow, that IS very positive! Great job, London!

Yes, I started to type a response and then cancelled. But that is positive gun news! If only we could post something like for the US. Nearby Spokane, WA can’t even make the “no shooting deaths” claim for more than a week it seems, and they are way smaller than London.

I did a quick search, and could not locate it. Back during the kerfuffle about the positive gun news thread, a thread was made in MPSIMS that was intended for positive gun news that didn’t involve gun violence. @engineer_comp_geek even reminded us about it when he claimed to be puzzled as to why we use this thread to talk about gun violence rather than that one.

Anyway, as I pointed out, there really isn’t all that much positive gun news from a non gun violence standpoint, so that thread hasn’t seen much. This, however, would be a good post for that thread, if anyone can remember what it was called.

You can find it here.

Shots fired near a Little League game send players ducking and running for cover.

Yep, that’s why I didn’t want to post there.

I gotta say, that mod note put into sharp relief the problem (and I am by no means trying to comment on the moderation itself, just a sentence I found interesting):

That’s why we cannot arrive at a solution. The pro-gun side does not see “no gun deaths” as a positive to strive for. “Positive gun news” to the pro-gun side is when someone gets to kill another human being with the fig leaf of “self defense” allowing them to shed all guilt.

Killing another human being, even one who is trying to hurt you, shouldn’t be a POSITIVE experience. It should be a tragedy, perhaps the best possible outcome of a whole bad set, but a necessary evil, not something to celebrate.

Honestly, let’s not revive the SDMB Snuff Fest. It’s a fucking embarrassment, and I’m going right back to putting it on mute so I can pretend we don’t have members celebrating when people get gunned down.

I’m not surprised that he would do it.

I am surprised that no one is willing to arrest him for it.

Maybe their tasers were all broken that day.

Do you suspect his Klingons?

Unless they’re in NYC, no one is likely to be arrested for bringing in a weapon. Just fined and having the weapon confiscated.