Stupid, stupid California drivers!

Yes, it’s that time of year again, when - gasp! - water falls from the sky! And as usual all Californians have collectively forgotten how to drive: Wet road? Why, I think I’ll recklessly weave through traffic at 85 mph because other drivers are going slower than usual! Whee! crash Cut off a giant semi-truck? I’m sure he’ll be able to stop in time! screeeeeee Curve in the road? I’ve made it at 80 mph before! smash

I love living here, but seriously, why the fuck don’t Californians know how to drive? Does the nice weather cause the “driving in the rain/snow” portion of your brain to fry out?

Today is the first day a real rainstorm came through and we saw two major accidents just going to lunch. What a bunch of fucking retards! I’m sure my drive home is going to take at least half again as long as it usually does. One time a few years back Highway 101 got iced over and they had to SHUT THE ENTIRE FREEWAY DOWN. Because too many dumbshits were getting themselves killed. I also have seen many an accident caused by driving carelessly over very small icy sections of freeway, like a span going over a culvert. News flash California idiots: condensation happens. And when the temperature gets below freezing, guess what? Water freezes! Isn’t that wierd?!!

Stupid, stupid California drivers! :mad:

Amen. Rain is treated like a natural disaster of unimaginable proportions out here. Ice I can somewhat understand because it’s so rare, but rain? Give me a break…

Preach it. I’m dreading the first snowfall of the year. As soon as the first snowflake hits the road 50 cars slide into the ditch, it’s insane. Come on people, it’s not like it doesn’t snow here every freaking winter!

Just wait until the rainy season hits LA. They might as well just shut down the entire city between 20 December 20 and 10 January. Somebody tried to tell me that it was because of all the oil that accumulates on the highway 'cause there’s no rain to wash it away. Crap! It’s because these people don’t know how to drive in anything but pristine conditions.

I like the mountains and ocean, though, and you’re not going to get a better climate short of the Mediterranean. I just wish they had better drivers around here. Oh, and better restuarants, too. It’s not fair that SF gets all the best chefs.


Come to the South Bay and San Pedro for restaurants! We have GREAT ones.

Until I looked at the location, I thought the OP was talking about Monterey. In all the years I’ve lived there, it’s rained an incredible amount and none of the native Montereyans had a clue as to how to drive with even one drop of water on the roads.

The first snowfall in Anchorage always pointed out the Oakies. Sliding through intersections in a full 4-wheel drift… :smiley:

You think it’s bad in Cali? It drives me nuts when people forget how to rain in Seattle.

I mean, it’s Seattle. How do you forget how to drive in the rain in a place where its always drizzling?

Absolutely. I always wonder what must be going through these morons’ heads. Probably something like " What is this wet shit that’s coming down from the sky? I better slow down to 40 mph on 101 just to be safe…"


Rain means drive faster. Duh. You don’t want other drivers thinking you’re weak.

Wow! That’s some funky weather you have over there. Over here, people get rained on. Not a person I know rains.


Fuck come over here some time. It is a very rare week when it doesn’t rain in Auckland but the traffic goes to shit every single time.

It’s rain! You know that stuff we had two days ago? JUST FUCKING DRIVE!

Marlitharn, preach it! I get the same thing here. Pretty soon, we’re going to be having storm alert flashing on our TV screens - for flurries. WE LIVE IN CHICAGO!!! IT SNOWS HERE!!! This makes me insane!

Y’know, back when I was living in Washington, that confused the hell out of me. I had a ~20-mile commute into Seattle, and I’d pass 3-4 accidents a day each way.

It’s a little depressing when you’re looking back to Los Angeles as the gold (well, silver) standard of competent driving. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve lived all over the country. L.A. drivers are, hands down, the best I’ve see so far.

Like the time I saw that gang attack on the 405 – the traffic kept flowing smoothly right around the car with the two guys getting beaten with tire irons! Any place else in the country that would have caused a major jam-up that’s for sure.

That’s the trouble. Half the dopes slow down, half the dopes drive faster, thus the accidents, making the bad traffic worse.

I’ve still got my snow shovels from New Jersey. Some day, some day, it will really snow around here and wipe the morons out. More room for you, more room for me. :smiley:

And would it kill you to turn your headlights on when you’re driving in the rain? When I mention the new law (saying that you have to have your headlights on if your windshield wipers are running), I get a surprising number of people who think that’s some huge bother, or likely to make people not use their windshield wipers as much :confused: WTF? Turning on the headlights in my car isn’t any harder than turning on the windshield wipers…

My Metro has DRL, so the headlights are always on.

Yeah, I can’t understand it. When it starts raining for the winter here in Seattle, it’s like people forgot that it occasionally rains here. It’s fucking Seattle! Y’know, where if fucking rains every fucking day in the winter? You might as well demolish the 520 and 90 bridges during a rainstorm, because they turn into fucking parking lots.

At least in Southern California you’ve got an excuse for forgetting that the spirits occasionally drop water from the sky. And then in winter, once people get used to the rain we get sunshine accidents! Yeah, the sky turns blue for a few minutes and people start plowing into medians due to distraction. Assholes.

In California now there is a law that your real headlights, not the running lights, have to be on when you are using your windshield wipers.

The other thing that bugs me - the first rain is always, always, occasion for front page articles in the local newspapers. Not a flood, just any rain. It’s hardly news, people.