Stupid things the Dope inspires you to do

Don’t forget the Ivory soap.

And you can buy Ivory soap in a three-pack so you get triple the microwave-killin’ fun! Kids and this one chemistry professor I had in college especially like to watch.

Well, I bought and ate some purple Peeps - my God, those are nasty! Sugar-coated marshmallow with a serious chemical aftertaste - blech. Next I plan to puff one up in the microwave, and take the rest to work to see if anyone there will eat them.

We did the eating-n-crackers-in-a-minute thing at a Toronto Dopefest, shortly after the original thread started. IIRC, some could actually do a semblence of the trick.

I spent a lot of time in dubious bars with Sublight. I’m not entirely sure that the Dope’s to blame for that, but whatever lets me shirk responsibility has got to be a good thing.

I’ve certainly clicked on a lot of links, that I never would have otherwise, in SDMB threads. Many of those cannot be unseen.

Look for creepy stories on the web.

For forum threads, nothing has surpassed the original “very vaguely creepy” thread. Though I did find the supremely frightening SCP Foundation through a Doper recommendation.

I also eventually gave in and start reading H.P. Lovecraft, which, uh…well, let’s just say there’s a reason I’m not sleeping right now.

After reading Stoid’s thread on dieting, I went and baked a big cornbread, even though I had never eaten one, so didn’t know if I would like it, and even though my partner heavily dislike cornmeal based foodstuff.

It turned out so-so.

Well, how do you feel? Personally, I’m for it.

I enjoy a good handshake.

Not necessarily stupid, just weird…

Measure my boob size via the archimedes method in a 2lt icecream tub (about a litre’s worth IIRC)

Float m’s off the top of m&m’s for science

Stick wooden dolls in random locations in my neighborhood (hi Mangetout)

Get addicted to Cracked, TvTropes and Sporcle

If it’s like my workplace, they’ll sit there on the food table until June and then somebody will quietly remove them.

Well, I puffed one up in the microwave now - yup, they do get puffy. I think someone will eat them at work - it doesn’t seem to matter what gets put out, it all disappears.

What do? Peeps? I’ve never had one and I don’t have a microwave … how long should you give them in there? Must do this!!!

I’m sure the poster who put up a youtube clip of himself waggling his ears? eyebrows? after a discussion here will be along soon.

Spend hours and days reading and responding to posts when I have SO much else to do…:cool:

Yup, the Peeps puff right up. I put mine in for 20 seconds, but I took it out at about five or ten because it was getting so puffy already - this is definitely a spectator sport. :slight_smile:

Yeah, but did they fit up your nose? Enquiring minds wanna know!

Sorry, I didn’t stick the molten marshmallow up my nose.

Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever typed that sentence before. :smiley:

I don’t believe I’ve ever felt the need to. :slight_smile:

I cannot believe I just attempted to stuff my wedding ring up my nose. (Only got about halfway)

Missed the window.

Thanks to this thread, which linked to the shoving jewellery up your nose thread, which linked to the magic nose thread, I now have a very sore abdomen and watery eyes from laughing so hard. Great way to start the day! :slight_smile:

Yes but how does your nose feel?