Suddenly cannot apply a name to a desktop icon

This is for my ‘GodMode’ icon on the desktop. It still works but it just shows the icon with no name attached.

I can right-click>rename but still blank… I deleted, rebooted and re-added but still unable to assign a name to it. No issue with any other icons.

Any ideas?



No OS updates were installed overnight. Icon was named yesterday.

Only changes today was an update to my NVidia graphics card. Not sure how that would affect the ability to name one icon. Especially after uninstalling and reinstalling. I’m not even sure the graphics card is being used just to display the desktop. Wouldn’t that just be the Intel HD Graphics?

Can you rename other items?


Do you get an error message or anything when you try to change the name?

Is this a file, a folder, or a program? Is there any program that is open that is still using this [whatever it is]?

If you don’t know or aren’t sure, you can try a freeware program called Lockhunter, or another called Unlocker.

Have you tried renaming it using a command line?

rename [Drive:][Path] filename1 filename2


Same icon as control panel.

Its a hidden feature. Create new file folder on desktop. Name the folder: {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} and hit enter. Changes from a folder icon to the same icon as control panel. Open it up and it’s basically control panel on steroids.

Works fine. just suddenly can’t name it. No error. Right-Click>Rename Enter / nameless icon still

Windows 10 GodMode

I just looked it up too. Seems like you have to put the name you want, then a period (.) and then the {ED7BA…} stuff

like this GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

yes, i had added Godmode prior to that character string.

However it does appear to be related to a Windows 10 update. I went ahead and downloaded the latest big Win10 update (creators or creative edition). It’s not being pushed through update yet but you can get it from MS website.

I did the update a week ago, not sure why it would start affecting that icon this morning. Maybe GodMode is planned to be a standard feature at some point? Anyways, rolled back to previous version and naming works.

I hope I can piggie-back to ask the GQ Question:
What are the pros and cons of using God-Mode in Windows 10 ?
(At first glance it might seem good to find a way to leash this monster that is Windows 10. However Windows just makes me angry and paranoid to begin with — I’d be afraid that the first time I poke Windows with my God-stick it would rear back, snarl, and stab me with its Satan’s pitchfork.)

to me it just seems like a much bigger control panel. Everything that can be changed or tweaked all in one place. Try adding it and see what you think.
From what l understand it’s not necessarily a Win10 thing specifically. It was also there on 7 and 8.

I’m running Win8.1 RT on this device. It works there. And, ref the OP, can be renamed without issue.

I’m hard-pressed to think of a less apt name for this than “godmode”. It’s simply a list of shortcuts to all the various pages and sub-pages within control panel and a couple of other system settings UIs. A better name might have been “Table of contents for all settings UIs so the navigationally challenged amateur can skip a few menu steps.”

There are several thingies like this embedded in Windows going back to at least XP. By “thingy” I mean features where creating a shortcut to a particular “magic” GUID triggers a particular property sheet or other UI to pop up.

Here I was hoping the godmode thing was actually a shortcut to the local policy editor. But it’s not even that arcane. Sheesh; amateurs!