
I want to try sugaring. Does anyone have a good reliable recipe please. I mean the roll on and pull off type of sugaring, not the type like waxing.

This is some type of hair removal method? I’m guessing it is, based on the reference to waxing. I thought it was about making maple syrup, often called sugaring here in New England, from the title. I can’t help with this one, but I expect some of the ladies will know what you’re talking about.

Welcome to the SDMB. :slight_smile:

try the sugaring tub from the Body Shop. Everything ready to go, just heat it au bain Marie, and have your cotton strips handy.
Couldn’t be handier

hope this helps

Thanks for your replies but I want to make my own sugaring, not buy it ready made. It is not used like waxing when the preparation is smoothed on then pulled off with cotton strips. Home made sugaring turns into a pliable ball which is rolled onto the skin and then pulled off. Difficult to explain but anyone who has done it would know what I mean.

I can’t help, but I just wanted to say that what you are describing sounds incredibly painful.

Here are some recipes for halawa (sugar wax). I haven’t tried any of them yet, so I don’t know which one is best–I hope one of these works! It’s kind of like making candy, so if you can make candy, you should be able to make this. I think the key is to not overcook it. And it’s completely edible!