Suggestions for discussion groups for 'puter problems?

I am a newbie to compters. Barely understand them. And when they “act funny” --------I have not a clue what to do.

I realize that this forum is not primarily designed for computer questions. (although I have gotten excellent responses the few times I have asked computer related questions.

So do not want to burden you all , but------please, if you will be so kind, give me some discussion room sites—
(friendly sites for 'puter newbies), who will answer my many questions in a friendly manner.

Thank you in advance.

There are a number of websites that offer help on computer problems, none of which I can think of now, unfortunately. Go to newsgroups and look under the comp. headings to find some discussions groups.

I did run across one really good free site, staffed by volunteers, that deals with Windows problems and questions. I checked it out and it seems very good. Go to:

Oh, yeah, I remember another one now at

Thanks for a very quick response.

Will check out both of those sites.

The folks at the Tech Support Guy Forums are hella nice. I’ve only used them for spyware removal help but that’s one of the most hair-pulling topics for a tech and they always are really pro and helpful.

You will find loads of help at Good forums and great resources.

Opinions are best found in IMHO.

Moved from GQ.
