Suggestions ( or money :) ) needed for my Mom's Bday .

My mom’s 77th birthday is June 12.

She is an artist. She only wears polyester, so I won’t even buy her clothes. She’d probably break out into a rash if cotton touched her skin. She wears no perfume.

Essentially, she needs nothing. It is all she every asks for.

" Oh, I need nothing."

Mom’s are great with that line, aren’t they?

I am looking at the $100 - 150 range.

Her house is a disaster in the organizational department and she has stacks of magazines that she is meaning to read, but doesn’t.

She also has a fetish for chinese things. Like Buddha.
A nice catholic gal like her, go figure. If anyone has a line on a nice outdoor weather resistant buddha, lemme know.

[hint enter too quick]

I am open to any suggestion.

She has had a rough couple of years and I want this to be nice for her as she deserves all that is good.

The best birthday present I ever gave my mom was to contact all her friends and ask them to write a letter and send pictures to me that I then assembled in an album–a sort of “Here’s Your Life.”

Alternatively, how about having a piece of jewelry made that is symbolic in some way?

That’s a great idea!

Another idea is be her slave for a day! Doing what SHE wants. Or just spend the entire day with her doing what SHE likes, no matter how boring. Parents like quality time!

She sounds rather groovy, so make her something yourself, like a card and a meal.
Or Take her shopping and tell her she has $100 to do whatever she likes with. Just make sure you’re with her … if that’s possible.(do you live close?)

Slave for a day? Hah. I’ve tried in the past to help her out by cleaning her place or running her errands ( even with two kids, I’m faster and more effiecient than her) but she won’t hear of it.

I am having my kids draw up cards ( they are a production factory right now with about 40 a piece.)

I’m also thinking of baking a cake and putting in a CD of irish music.

Well, one way to get ideas is ebay. You might just find that outdoor Buddha there. Sometimes if you just type in some search terms you find things that you never knew existed before.

You could also get one of those smaller size poster frames, and fill it with groupings of favorite snapshots or portraits of hers. Why keep them in a photo album when you can put them on your wall? If she has travelled a lot or likes to then you could use a map as a background for the photos. It sounds kind of tacky but I have seen it done and it looks really nice.

Or, you could buy her a facial at a salon – or the works, you know, where they do a facial, wash and fix her hair, manicure, things like that. Those are fun for a surprise. Sometimes older people think no one cares how they look, or that they are so old why bother pampering themselves, so these can be cool.

Just some thoughts… good luck!

Great ideas, BWK. I am presently working on getting my scanner and printer to talk to each other so that I may make an accordian style keepsake book of pictures.

Or, I just might give her my dog :slight_smile:

LOL Do you think she’d possibly like four baby guppies? LOL

Thought of another – take her to a good plant store and get some perennials, and plant them in her yard to spruce it up. My Mom loves it when I do that. Red hot poker plants are easy, and so is coneflower and coreopsis. All have nice flowers to cut.