Sundance Channel

Began subscribing Sunday on C-Band.
Any Doper comments on this movie channel?

Anyone know what the heck Sea Horses was about aside from the obvious?

I watched it a whole lot the last couple years I was in college (97-99) and liked it quite a lot. Then I didn’t have it until last year. I can’t say there’s been much on it that I’ve watched lately since it seems kind of theme-y. I prefer the Independent Film Channel.

Both Sundance and IFC seem to suffer from too-small libraries. A lot of repetition.

I agree, but so do the rest of the movie channels. I wonder if it’s a financial thing.

I love both these channels. They are the only reason I’m still subscribing to the Silver Package that Comcast offers. I like the original series, the documentaries, most of the movies, and the fact that they thumb their nose at Hollywood’s money equation in favor of control over their artistic expression.

I find that some of the best stuff is on late at night.

Also agree with Otto’s assessment. Both channels seem to repeat the same movies/documentaries/shorts over and over and over again. However, as a newbie, you should have fun for a few months at least until you start to see the pattern develop over time.

I used to review films and would go to film festivals and am kind of disappointed that those channels don’t grab more of the films that are good, but just didn’t find a distributor. There are lots of producers/directors who would jump at the chance to have their film be seen and maybe make back $50 of the whopping loss they took on making their film.