Sunrise or sunset in the MMP?

Oh man. I’m so sorry. It’s hard to lose them. I tear up all the time about Pixel. Get him checked out. It may be something manageable and there may be more good time.

Sunset, hands down. I’m a die hard night person. That ‘die hard’ part might become prophetic.

So do grumpy old retired women :cocktail::cocktail:

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave. It’s frickin’ cold outside.

actually when i live alone sunrise is my sunset as I don’t normally go to bed unit somewhere between 6 and 8 am or so …at least our version of winter is over even at night it’s not gonna get under 35 or so …

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 34 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 56 and N.O.S. for the day. Today is laundry day. I can hardly contain myself. Sup shall be steak, company smashed N.O.T., sallit, and those cheddar garlic bizkits that are soooooo good! There is much rejoicin’ in Jawja today, as the Dawgs won the NCAA tackleball championship last night. Sis! Boom! Bah!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Good morning everyone.

It’s 47 degrees outside already and it feels too warm in the house. Bah. I think more rain is on the way too.

Happy Birthday, Boo!

VanGo, I hope that Cinnamon is feeling better today. It’s so hard and I fully empathize with your pain. Please let us know what happens.

wordy, you are not being whiny or a turd. What you and your mother is going through is difficult and painful. Vent away!

nellie, I hope your sister is doing better today. I can’t speak to what really works for pain. I have a high pain tolerance anyway, but I do know anything codeine-based will make me instantly vomit. I never finish a prescription when I do have painkillers; honestly, I think the most I’ve ever taken is two. On the other hand, I’ve never had a knee or hip replaced. I’ve just had a few surgeries. The last surgery was them installing a plate on my ankle after walking around on a broken ankle for a week. Told you; high pain tolerance.

Today I will meet the individual who will become the new director at my office. She is probably starting next week which means I will have to go to the office on Monday to ensure she’s set up and squared away. It will be one hell of a slog for her though; she lives way up north and the state office is in Olympia. The meeting will occur via Teams and I’m curious to see what kind of person she is. I actually put on makeup today and took a little extra time with my hair. I put on a nice sweater too so at least from the waist up I look professional. I’m still wearing comfy pants though. :grin:

Well, that’s all the news that’s fit to print around here. I hope you all have a good day.

Whew - what a morning so far! It’s just past 8. In just over 2 hours, I showered and dressed, breakfasted, drugged FCD, cleaned and started the pellet stove, fetched Tobias, started a load of laundry, and scooped the cat box. My sweetie got up for a bit, but he’s back in bed. I’ll probably have to feed the baby in an hour or so. I’ve got 2 bottles’ worth of mother’s milk, plus some formula as needed.

While driving to fetch the young 'un, I saw a beautiful not-quite-sunrise. As I crested a hill, there were the naked tops of trees and a church steeple silhouetted against a band of orange that faded to yellow and to blue. If not for the traffic and the need to keep going, I might have stopped for a photo. Alas, a lost opportunity.

And so it begins - onward!! Happy Tuesday!!

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s 9C/46F outside, and apparently mostly sunny although from where I’m sitting, it’s been mostly cloudy instead. Still, I have been assured of another day in the house on account of no PCR test results yet. We did get confirmation that our tests were picked up from the < haha > priority </ haha > postbox on Monday afternoon, and arrived at the lab today.

wordy you are neither whiny nor a turd. You’re going through something extremely difficult and doing your best to support your mum and yourself. This is always the place to talk about it amongst friends who will just listen.

nellie hope your sister’s improving now that you’ve sorted her meds out. She is lucky to have someone like you around to help her out.

Sunny congrats on the doc’s appointment, I hope you get some good drugs too!

VanGo so sorry to hear about Cinnamon, fingers crossed for you both.

Nothing to report here, I’s back at irk, it is irksome. Can’t go anywhere due to lack of test results, unless I was Bojo the Frolicking Frumpsicle, in which case I’d be busy inviting hundreds of people to a party in the garden, on the assumption that only 30 would turn up, and I would have the services of a Cabinet Official to confirm whether I’d been there or not.

Morning all. A brisk 35F heading for 47F and no rain in sight. Not much planned for today, I have some pictures to put on the walls that I have been remiss for quite awhile about, so may get around to it today. Or not…

VanGo, all my hopes that Cinnamon is doing better.

FCM, you wear me out just listing all the stuff you do.

Taters, hope the meeting goes well and that the new director is good people.

OK, need some sustenance and warming up the house. All y’all have a good 2sday.

I’m actually pretty sure it does- well, viral titre in the sample. The reason they say it doesn’t matter how faint the line is is because sample viral titre doesn’t necessarily indicate actual viral load, or mean anything regarding how sick you are or how likely you are to spread it. Theoretically it should, but testing is too variable.

I actually did my degree project using basically the same tech to determine virus levels in potatoes, so I’m pretty confident on this. I was supposed to be getting to play with a bunch of fancy lab kit, but this ratbag virus cancelled it, so I wound up doing a few hundred tests at home with LFT kits and working out a testing protocol instead, so I did a bunch of research on them… There’s some variations, 'cos kits do vary depending on what virus you’re testing for, but there’s basically a line of stuff on the test strip which reacts to the virus, then the molecules which reacted to the virus trap dye- so more virus in the sample = more dye on the line. For plant diseases, there’s actually little hand-held readers you can slot the tests in to figure out how severe the reaction is, as they can standardise the testing more by squishing up leaves…

It’s got even stronger today. It is weird- most people have a low level, then it gets stronger for a few days, then drops off. I should be getting negatives by now- the other people I got infected alongside are. Per guidelines, I’d be eligible for parole today if I was :confused:

Hi, y’all.

… erm, that’s all I got.

Neighbor’s mini pitte/Shar Pei mix(in pajamas): “Play! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”
Upstairs neighbor: “I’ve never heard your dog make noise before.”
Me: :thinking:
Heaving went well. But the cleaning crew was dusting. < cough cough >


That’ll do!

It’s been an interesting morning here. After gifting me with a massively poopy diaper, Toby had about 3 oz of Mother’s Milk, then crashed on me for about 2 anna half hours. When he woke, he snarfed down another 4 oz or so, and now he’s in his swing so I can have lunch (leftovers.) I need to help FCD do his exercises once I’m done, and I leave around 2:15 to return spawn to daughter. Such are the thrills and chills at FairyChatEstates!

Oh, and I’ve folded a load of towels, and I have a load of t-shirts and sweats in the basket awaiting foldage. Rah.

Thank you so much for the great information, I sure didn’t know what I was talking about and that’s not good when it’s something as serious as this. I appreciate your clear explanation.

It’s a clear 52F today. We’ve had a pair of ring necked doves scratching around under the bird feeder so I put a flat tray on the feeder and put seeds for them up there so they didn’t need to try to find seeds in the mud. The thrashers are getting in the tray and sweeping half the seeds onto the ground because they are the sloppiest eaters ever. I’ve ordered some mealworm suet cakes which should keep them out of the seeds.

The update on Cinnamon is not great. The vet said he has a growth on either his liver or spleen and it is messing with his heart. They took x-rays and are sending them to a specialist to have them examined. He doesn’t seem to be in any pain, I just need to get him to eat and stay comfortable. He’ll be getting lots of love and cuddles.

Fuck cancer. That’s all I got to say.

I don’t mind personally, I like the cold, but you know what you’ve done: 6 more weeks of winter. :smiley:

taters is the new director going to be your boss?

Moommm please remind me: do you drink coffee?

BooFae my commiserations for being back at work. I can only imagine that if you and Bojo were to switch places the country would be the better for it.

I’m sorry it’s not behaving. Are you still feeling ok?

Hi shoe! Could you drop a word in nellie’s ear about how helpful mj can be with nausea? Her friend is having a terrible time. I mentioned edibles. Also, what happened with landlord? I have questions!

It makes you wonder if they had their hearing aids out…

Oh damn. I am so sorry, Sending love to you both. Fuck cancer.

My update for today: I slept last night! Very exciting. The coughing is much reduced today, which is also great. I’m starting the prednisone today, so I expect to not sleep again for several days and to become extremely strange. You have been warned.

I’m so very sorry to hear this.

I am so sorry, losing a beloved pet is never easy. Treasure each minute, there won’t be enough of them.

{{VanGo and Cinnamon}}

You weren’t wrong- line strength doesn’t indicate anything in terms of disease severity or contagiousness. In fact, for omicron it seems people are actually being contagious before they’re even showing up on a test much of the time.

It’s just me being a bio nerd and unable to look at something so similar to what I’ve studied without trying to make sense of something weird happening. I’m hoping it’s just going up because I have become a giant snot monster these last 2 days, and maybe that’s affecting the sampling 'cos I’m poking sampling sticks up my nose.

Sorry if anyone read that while eating.

The housemate who caught it same time as just came back- she’s been staying at her boyfriends’ place since new year’s, as they both got it, but they’re both now testing negative.

C’mon antibodies, get on with it, I’m about out of laundry! I’ll be wearing formal dresses and stuff as the only thing left in the wardrobe soon…