Sunrise or sunset in the MMP?

Moomm Did you see the plane crash? Enquiring minds want to know! Also, glad you weren’t on the bridge. Life doesn’t need to be that interesting.

I hate it when this happens! Of course, it seems to happen to me a lot, which suggests that my stitches are not the neatest stitcher ever, which is crazy! Right?

There is only one possible solution here: Blueberry needs a friend! :black_cat: :cat2:


I would like quarterly updates please. :slight_smile: My hubby shaved his head on New Year’s. He’s trying to see how much his hair will grow in a year.

Dice I envy the crashed on the couch end of the week feeling. It sounds lovely. Indian food sounds tempting I must say…

I hope all is well. Quick question: does wifey still do real estate?

{{{shoe}}} Take care kiddo. Tell us more when you can.

We are all puttering along. I think everyone is better than yesterday, so we’ll keep trucking. I got a box of candies from IMHO, their nuts are so-so, but their candies are awesome. Just in case anyone needs a source for candy.

Take care everyone. Happy Finally Friday!

Their customer service seems to be very good too. DH buys peanuts for his squirrels (don’t ask) and got some that had bugs. He was not at all sure if it was from them, from the shipper or even from his own storage, but let them know just so they’d be aware. They immediately sent a replacement order, no charge. He e-mailed to say hey, I didn’t expect this and they said well we want our customers happy. So, that’s the way to do it for sure.

I won’t ask about the squirrels. I’m working on a neighborhood crow project myself…

I didn’t see the crash, but I was on the bridge - fortunately, at the far end. Traffic was so slow, had I left work later, it could have been wrong place wrong time…

Waiting in line at the car wash. I’m next. Rah.

Wifey, RN’s first patient must be in the north end of Bellingham. The Spousal Unit sent me a text asking if we could go to Mykonos for dinner tonight.

Afternoon all. Passport has been requested, paid the $60 extra for expedited handling (of course, expedited in government terms means 6-7 weeks instead of 11-12 weeks). But with a vacation starting early in May, I didn’t want to risk it. Then browsed a bookstore and ate my Sunday dinner on Friday morning at Olive Garden. Stopped by Best Buy to browse phones (good grief, some of them are as much as a computer!) and then headed home. Got the remainder of the kid’s soccer schedule for indoors, I’ll type it up and give it to them tomorrow at the games.

flyboy, actually have been to Mykonos (the Greek Island) once–can’t remember eating there… Enjoy

{{{{{VanGo and Cinnamon}}}}} Even when the right thing to do is let them go, it still hurts a lot. Be well.

doggio, more the Robert E. Lee look (because that’s the color it’s going to be):

Sunny, been tempted to shave my head, the top is pretty much bare now and the sides and back are thinning out. Haven’t quite worked up the nerve yet.

{{shoe}}. Just because.

Taters, hope son (and hubby) get better…

OK, need to check mail and watch Pardon the Interruption (about the only must-see TV I have anymore). All y’all take care now.

{{{VanGo}}} You did the ultimate kindness to Cinnamon. Also, fuck cancer.

**metal mouse ** ,unless you only plan on using wifi with your phone, you will have a sim card linking it to your account and that will give you a phone number. You don’t have to give it out and can block any incoming numbers, but you may as well use what you’re paying for.

shoe, hugs to you and hoping for the best.

I think everyone took off work today on a nice 50F sunny day to go crazy prepping for Snowpocolypse, part 2. I went out for groceries before noon and both stores were packed.

Nelson and I are at the dealership now. The car acted OK most of the day, but the check engine light is constantly on n, making diagnosis easier. I hope that this gets things sorted out.

MetalMouse - FWIW, I highly recommend Consumer Cellular for service, especially if you’re a member of AARP. They use the AT&T network, so nationwide coverage, and their plan prices are quite good. You can buy a phone thru them or use any phone that works on AT&T network. The one I’m using only cost $80, tho I don’t think it’s available any longer. Anyway, my 2¢.

Roxy will be off school till at least Thurs. Two of the staff at her school are COVID positive and on advice of the health dept, they’re closing down for 5 days. So I’ll have Roxy on Tues while Toby is at his Dr appt, then again on Weds all day. That will be interesting… challenging… insane…

FCD talked with his mom a bit ago - his brother had a really bad day yesterday. On top of the diabetes, renal failure, Parkinson’s and COVID, he’s got congestive heart failure. Doesn’t look good. We may be headed to FL again to support his folks if (when) his brother dies. I just hope they don’t insist on going to Texas. That would be bad.

On the plus side, there’s a pretty moon out there tonight!

Thank you all for the love. This has been a rough day. I’m doing ok now, but it feels weird to have an empty house. He was a great dog right to the end.

We were watching tv last night and he growled at the evil beings in the magic box. He started that years ago one day as I was lazing around on a saturday and turned on Bolt, the animated thing about a superhero dog. He really didn’t like Travolta. Ever since, he’s had to yell at the dogs on tv. Last night it was the dude riding a mechanical bull in a progressive ad. It was pretty funny.

{{{shoe}}} I hope things get better for you.

FCM Best of wishes for your BIL.

Now off to think about something for foods. I know I should eat, but kinda donwanna.

Thank you. I have been thinking of y’all. Trying to do better. I really appreciate having imaginary digital friends in my back.

It’s OK to be off your feed for a while, you have suffered a huge loss and it takes time to recover even if you expect it.

It is funny that Cinnamon wanted to protect his special person from the TV. You were lucky to have been able to share your life with him for so many years.

I hope things start looking up shoe. We don’t like it when you are sad.

Yeah, crazy! It happens with everything I do and of course it isn’t possibly my fault. I think they just use smaller needles or something.

I called and ordered my thread this afternoon and was amused when the nice volunteer on the phone said that she had made it a point to look for our small town when she went to Prescott last week and missed it. She probably blinked at the wrong moment.

I once worked in a building with a balcony attached to the second floor break room. I liked to eat out there and in time a raven started joining me for lunch. Everyone was very entertained by watching raven sitting on his side of the table, eating off his plate, so after I left that job, other folks started having lunch with the raven.

So glad you have special memories like this. Made me smile just reading it.

{{{{{{{{{{ VanGo & Cinnamon }}}}}}}}}}

I put an hours-long YouTube video of birds on the TV. Abbey is watching, and occasionally commenting. Now she’s going for a loser look…

Well, the car has been repaired (knock wood). They were able to get a better diagnosis with the light staying on. They also got the IT mechanic in on it (when it comes to sensors, chips and the like, I’m lost. My mechanical knowledge stopped when carburetors became dinosaurs).

Tomorrow, before it gets ugly, I’ll take Nelson to the dog park (poor little guy has been shorted park time since before Xmas) and generally play around for the day.

Got some Jerk cod in the oven, and black beans and rice on the stove. Drinking a Yuengling. t-24 till :grimacing: SNOWPOCALYPSE :grimacing: which is now gonna be an ice storm, with high wind.

When a baby drinks a whole bottle and falls asleep, it’s “cute”. When I do it, I’m “an alcoholic”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
And I second Consumer Cellular.


Give Nelson some skritches and snugs from me. And let him know park time will get better.

doggio I think you and I would be friends in the non-digital world. That comment about a full bottle…yep.

Much love shoe

swampy, no!!! Tell me y’all don’t fart!!!

OK, looked it up and they have a place in the Target store about 2 miles from me. Too busy tomorrow with soccer, but I’ll look into it.

red, hope the car behaves for you.

Dinner has been consumed and I’m waiting for the house to warm up before bathing…I know that a long, hot bath usually leads to sleepage, so I might as well do it before going to bed at my normal (between 10-12) time.

Off to internettin’ and Sudoku solving. Take care all.

paintcharge, so sorry to hear about Cinnamon.

I’ve lost two dogs and someone sent me this poem by Kipling, speaking about the bond between dogs and humans. The Power of the Dog by Rudyard Kipling - Poems |

Wow Baker that one was tough, but true. The dog really does have power. In fact, that’s what I mostly called Cin, “THE DOG”. I’d call that when he was outside snuffling around at whatever and it was bedtime. He’d come shuffling in through the doggie door, like “hey, man, I was already here” I miss him very much. I keep expecting to see him pop up over the corner of the coffee table.

I’m at 14 hours after he went, so still a little raw. I’m still getting to the part where I don’t throw up. I won’t post a link, but Jimmy Stewart’s Beau poem is quite something. Watch with tissues.

Once again thank you all for the …everything.