Super Bowl 51 Commercials thread

There’s a local commercial for Shields MRI that has Brady taking off his 4 SB rings and putting them in a locker before an MRI. In the one that has been running for months the nurse asks “Is that all?” and Brady responds “For now.”

This time Brady responds “Oh, wait, I have one more. It’s kind of new.” The nurse says “We’ll have to get you a bigger locker” and Brady finishes up with “Roger that!”


Overall, the commercials were underwhelming, but this was the winner by a mile.

The Terry Bradshaw stained shirt one for Tide was funny. The call back later really nailed it.

I think it was my favorite. Each scene managed to go beyond the initial obvious pain and add a funnier bit of slapstick.

Yes, that was one of the best. And the Anheuser-Busch one was really well done.

There was one with Jon Hamm; can’t remember the product, but I was thinking, “Is that…?” and then he appeared.

Personal favorite was the Mercedes ad with Peter Fonda. Mr. Rilch called me in from the kitchen, saying “There’s your main man!”

Was there a Doritos ad this year?

How about that 84 Lumber ad – the beautifully produced tale of a Mexican mother and child making their way to the US border? Is some lumber company really willing to risk alienating half of its potential customers by addressing undocumented immigration in a sympathetic way, given the intense divisions over this matter right now?

If so, I suppose that’s gutsy and admirable of them, but of course I happen to sympathize with the folks in such stories. It doesn’t seem like such a smart strategy in terms of dollars and cents, but I guess it does get people talking about the brand. Any thoughts?

Television ads are not your friends and Super Bowl ads are the most inimical of the lot of them. They exist only to separate you from your money. Sadly, I can see the Unwashed Masses swallowing the line that Super Bowl commercials are oh so creative, funny, and entertaining, but I would expect better from the Teeming Masses.

I might feel differently if the bulk of the ads actually had any artistic or entertainment merit but instead you all are merely suckling greedily at the teat of the Invisible Hand (if I may mix metaphors) juuuuuussst like the advertisers want you to. Good little consumers.

Yes, some TV ads are better than others and some are more humorous than others. But you don’t have to happily eat their shit just because all the other lemmings believe there is something fulfilling in blindly praising corporate huckster-ism.

Watch the game instead (it was a classic). Or don’t watch it, turn off the tube, and spend some time with your loved ones. You don’t have to pray at the cesspool of humanity’s basest instincts just because the morons at the water cooler and on your Facebook feed are telling you that you should. It’s beneath you.

:rolleyes: dude its just tv just relax sheesh only reason anyone cares is they go out of the way to be funnier or more interesting or even better made than normally I mean really … Only reason anyone started taking note of the quality is theres a lot of years where the commericals are better than the game and people wanted to see a million dollar commercial

Its like I know a lot of people will just watch the half time show and not give a damn about football at all

but its just this year the game wasn’t 53-7 by halftime and was an actual game

Or we can watch the ads on TV because we might find them entertaining, with the full realization that they are part of an effort of corporations to sell us something. Hell, we can even take part in this silliness with our finances, if we wish. In the 80s and 90s, my Dad, who liked beer, but had no ability to tell the difference between any domestic beer brands, chose which beer to drink solely based on which ads were most entertaining, thus encouraging and rewarding these companies for providing him 30 seconds of entertainment a few times a week.

I was wondering how long it would take before somebody posted the obvious advertising critique. I don’t give a shit. I like a good commercial. I watch commercials from foreign countries for products I will never buy. It’s neat seeing what a creative group of people can do in a 30 or 60-second time constraint to sell a product or create a brand. Perhaps I was an adman in another life, I dunno.

We turned on the TV at the appropriate time just to see this ad. It was done by the agency my gf used to work for.

Fifteen minutes after the ad, my gf’s phone began making noise. Turns out 84Lumber’s web page crashed, and people were freaking the fuck out.

27 posts and 1 1/2 hours from thread open to first threadshit. Good job, team. YAAAY US!

For me, the most memorable commercial was for Stranger Things, Season 2.

I have a lot more respect for people who make ads for a living than I have for people who play football for a living.

I was thinking the same thing, but given that a large number of people in the construction industry that makes a lot of use of immigrant labor, it may be that their target audience may be more sympathetic to undocumented immigrants than America as a whole.

So who had 27 as the over/under?

I’m hit or miss on Melissa McCarthy, but between the SNL Sean Spicer bit and the Kia Superbowl ad, she had a good weekend. In fact, the Kia ad was probably my favorite from the game.

I give lectures to sheeple about the marketing evils of Superbowl ads. Not an unpopular person, let me tell you. Just ask Warren Zevon’s ghost.

Yeah, you’re done.

Gawd bless Lady Gaga always!

Regards, Shithead

4 of us watching all agreed Mr. Clean was the funniest/most memorable, followed by Melissa McCarthy.

Mr. Clean was not mentioned in this thread, and in today’s paper, was listed as the worst. Of course, we were 2 married couples in our 50s-60s, remembered the old Mr Clean, and each had told their spouse they were sexy when doing housework…

No idea which of the car ads were for which cars other than the Buick, and a bunch of Alfas. Other than that, seemed primarily like a bunch of ads for scifi/violent/futuristic/mean/ugly movies/games/TV shows. Not our cup of tea.

I liked the Sprint one where the guy fakes his own death by pushing a car with a dummy in it over a cliff in front of his kids in order to get out of his Verizon contract. But I have a morbid sense of humor.