Super Bowl Commercials!

Did you catch ‘Don’t wanna die, I wanna get old’?

Apparently it works on the old UHF 55 frequency band. I’d expect it to have better penetration than you’d get with a portable TV, but not as good as a cell phone.

No. Do you mean it was just boomer nostalgia after all?

Speaking of which…The Who are embarassing themselves badly. They should be doing Depends ads. :frowning:

Big “The Who” fan here, but this is pretty sad. Those guys are just getting too old…

They were so decrepit, I almost expected them to keel over halfway through. But the stage lighting, lasers and fireworks were spectacular.

Meet the old crooners. same as your parent’s crooners…

The Who should’ve been in that Snickers commercial…

I saw Roger Daltrey playing Eliza Doolittle’s father in My Fair Lady at the Hollywood Bowl. He was great in that.

But yeah, he sounds a bit out of breath.


EDIT: enalzi: Ouch!


OOOh, there’s a movie I’ll be missing!!! :eek:

Did only manage to get the violin-playing beaver a job as a subway musician? Because that’s not very impressive.

High Life commercial that totally makes me never want to drink the beer.

Motorola commercial. Nice. ‘What are you doing in there?’ The slapping.

VW! <LOL> Stevie Wonder sees the red one!

Did anyone call the phone number on the commercial with NPH?

Why don’t I live near a Denny’s?!? Not that I love their food, but hey - I’ll take a free meal.

Who thinks up these commercials??? Super Bowl Ads used to be works of genius, not works of mediocrity.

I don’t know what the hell that Coke man-walking-across-the-savannah thing was about, but I liked it. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I was going to post something about it; but I didn’t quite know what. I liked the hyena (or was it a jackal?) at the end.