Super powered business

Inspired by a thread on super hero ethics in GD

Imagine some of our favorite heros or villians want to live average lives and keep their powers a secret. What business might they open where they could use their powers to make it very successful but still keep those powers a secret?
For the sake of the game freely use their super hero name in the example although they obviously wouldn’t do that.

here’s some examples.

Magneto’s Auto body Shop

low rates, Fast service.

Charles Xavier, Attorney at Law

or Saturn Girl, Independent Claims adjuster

Clark Kent’s Diamond Wholesale warehouse

Aquaman’s, Deep Sea photography

Johnny Storm’s Welding Emporium

Sue Storm’s Detective agency

Barry Allan’s delivery Service
Same day Service guarenteed, Low rates.
Have at it dopers. :smiley:

Is Barry still dead? Because that’d slow down deliveries. Although from the Wally-Flash era there was a trio of former Soviet speedsters who did open up a courier service, called IIRC Capitalist Couriers. And there was an indy book called Syphons with the requisite super-powered young people, who did the same-day cross-country delivery service schtick. The book was canceled before hijnks could ensue. Long distance teleporters would be good for this too, as would time travelers (“when it absolutely positively has to get there yesterday,” to crib an old SNL line).

Anyways, how about:

Wolverine Airport Security: sniffing out bombs, drugs, whatever. Ably assisted by the Invisible Woman, who can strip search you without your taking off a stitch.

Polaris MRI Clinic.

Ant-Man Exterminators. He wouldn’t actually kill the bugs, he’d just order them out of your house.

Sorry, I’m real old school when it comes to comics. I loved them a few decades ago though.

The Ant Man one is beautiful. Very funny.

I also thought that some teamwork would make for good business.

Imagine Xavier and Sue Storm’s detective agency, Maybe with Logan as the muscle.
Wolverine…Hollywoods greatest stuntman**
It’s a wonder he hasn’t hurt himself.

Although it would be pretty unethical. If business was slow Ant Man could order them in too. :slight_smile:

Zatanna is already in Show Biz.

Poison Ivy has a real future in Agribusiness. And, given the hypnotic lipsticks & perfumes she has created, the cosmetics industry.

Storm could offer guarentees that outdoor music events/carnivals/whatever would never be rained out, & most of the time, she’d just sit on her butt, collecting dough.

There’s some really good 'batman, ‘cuz he’s prepared’ joke crying out to be done in this thread… but for the life of me, I can’t come up with it. :frowning:

He’s already rich; how much more prepared than that can you get?

Teacher at a prep school, of course.

First, since this is a better thread for it I’ll quote what I wrote in the other thread :

Other Ideas :

Reed Richards would have certain advantages as a gigolo . . .

Hulk Demolitions :When you want that old overpass or building torn down right now, call 555-FIST.

Water Wizard & Hydro-Man Septic/Sewer Maintainance : Instant removal of any and all blockages guaranteed !

Dr Doom’s Mechanical Mercenaries : Need security that can be trusted ? Don’t want to hire mercenaries that rape and pillage, or disobey orders ? Contact the Latverian Embassy and for a reasonable fee, I’ll supply you with as many Doombots as you need !

Brainiac’s Ultimate Knowledge, Unlimited You name it, I know it already, or can find out !

Brainiac is Cecil!

Otto’s “prep school” joke was okay, but I’m thinking of some sort of Boy Scout / summer camp hybrid. Let’s call it…


The Bat-Scouts.

Motto: Preparedness Is Better Than Godliness (ask Superman)

I want YOU… in the Bat-Scouts.

I can see the brochure…

Do you know of an angry, perhaps recently orphaned boy of substantial financial means who lacks energy, direction and focus? Would you like to see him attain physical perfection, hone a keen deductive mind and inductive creative ingenuity in solving problems? Would you like to see him strike fear in the hearts of the superstitious cowardly lot?

BAT-CAMP is the answer!!

(I can on and on…)

I think I will go on.


“This one time, at Bat-Camp, my friend and I snuck in from the girl’s camp across the lake, and, like wow, we had a really wild time with a bunch of the boys there. Boy, do they have stamina.” – Paris Hilton

"I can honestly say that without the tutelage of Counselors Wayne and Grayson the summer after my uncle Ben died I would never be the man I am today. " – Peter Parker

“My real lessons in business dominance were all learned here – skills that lasted me all my life in a variety of arenas. Bat-Camp is the best!” – Donald Trump

“I escaped from Armaghetto, the Fire Pit Maze and Granny’s Googolperplex, but dammit, I could never slip past the counselors after curfew. They were that good.” – Scott Free

“I learned to outthink, outlast and outsmart my fellow campers here, then I turned the experiences of my youthful camp days into a hit TV show.” – Mark Burnett

“This one time? At Bat Camp?”

Aren’t there already a few heroes who do this? Tony Stark, for example, uses the same expertise that allowed him to design his armor to come up with products for his company. Isn’t/wasn’t there a comic called “Hero for Hire?”

Yes and yes. Plus, Reed Richards sells some of his inventions, Wonder Man worked as an actor and as a security guard at a high tech facility, Hawkeye worked security as well. She Hulk and Matt Murdock are lawyers.

Yes and yes. Plus, Reed Richards sells some of his inventions, Wonder Man worked as an actor and as a security guard at a high tech facility, Hawkeye worked security as well. She Hulk and Matt Murdock are lawyers.

Sorry for the double post; it looked like the board ate the first.

That’s the whole reason I went off on that ‘testimonials’ tangent.

I vaguely recall that she almost did do this, sometime in the early 1970s. I can’t recall the specific issue numbers, but it was part of the long story-arc in which Reed Richards was forced to give his & Sue’s son Franklin a kind of lobotomy in order to stop him from destroying the world with his mutant powers. Sue of course was devastated, broke up with Reed and quit the FF, and Medusa subbed for her for about a year. Franklin of course got better, Reed & Sue reconciled, and all was eventually right with the world.

I imagine Diana “Wonder Woman” Prince having a career writing self-improvement books: “the Way of the Amazon” and such.

The Sub-Mariner actually is a pretty shrewd financial investor. He’s staked claims to sunken treasures he’s come across, and after selling them, managed to play the stock market to great success. At one time, he owned a Hollywood movie studio (I imagine that in the Marvel Universe, he gave Ray Harryhausen his start by bankrolling ‘Sinbad’.)

Mystique’s late paramour Destiny could have opened up an astrologer’s shop. But then again, she probably wouldn’t be too successful at it since (as demonstrated in “Good Omens”) people don’t like their fortune readings to be too accurate. Alternatively, she could have been a hugely successful day-trader.

Imagine the pitch for “Strange Getaways” travel agency: Are you tired of the same old touristy getaways? Do you want to truly get away from it all? Then try a jaunt to the non-euclidian domain of the Dreaded Dormammu!

Fin Fang Foom: underwear model.