Superman and Lois Season 2

They are really trying to get us to dislike Lana, aren’t they? At least she acknowledges that she’s doing everything wrong, to Kyle of all people. And it had to be Kyle because Lana doesn’t seem to have any friends aside from the Kents, whom she had already pushed away.

Clark finally talks with Jonathan, but just for a little bit. Then he goes and gives Jordan some real quality time.

I really don’t understand Ally Allston. She says she wants everyone on normal Earth and Bizarro Earth to merge, but her first act when she came back was to try to kill Sam Lane. What was the point of that? Now she’s turned Lucy against her, one of her last remaining faithful followers on Earth. At least we got to see Natalie’s new suit in action. What are we supposed to call her? Steel Girl? Lady Steel?

[quote=“Terminus_Est, post:121, topic:957563, full:true”]
They are really trying to get us to dislike Lana, aren’t they? At least she acknowledges that she’s doing everything wrong, to Kyle of all people. And it had to be Kyle because Lana doesn’t seem to have any friends aside from the Kents, whom she had already pushed away.[/quote]
Jeez, my admiration for Lana jumped a thousand-fold when she dressed down Jordan like that. That head-slap was something he needed. His parents were being too nice and indulging his whiny-boy self. Lana broke it down, told him hell no in no uncertain terms, and laid into him.

So proud of her. I hope it sticks.

Ignorance of the Kessel Run calls for immediate action. Who cares if the world is ending - get that kid in front of a Han Shot First edition of Star Wars (no subtitle needed). Stat!

I loved that bit. Even Superman isn’t immune to his kids not knowing shit! :smiley:

S02E14 Worlds War Bizarre

PENULTIMATE - A weary Lois holds vigil at Superman’s bedside. Meanwhile, Jonathan and Jordan continue to worry about their father who seems more human now than ever. Lastly, John Henry and Natalie work together to figure out the best way to defend against Ally Allston’s (guest star Rya Kihlstedt) powers.

You know, the entire world is merging with the Bizarro one. Why is it incumbent on the rookie mayor of a small town in Kansas to calm the populace? Shouldn’t this be the job of the Governor or even the President?

Poor Jonathan had to stand in the sidelines while actual superpowered beings fought around him. I was half-hoping that, at that moment, he would discover his powers. Alas he continues to be both unpowered and still ignored by his father. C’mon, Clark, would it kill you to throw your other son a bone once in a while? I mean, you’re in the same boat he is now. Anyway, the Jordan+Natalie team up was pretty cool.

Yes, the contrast between a world-wide threat and Lana’s limited scope of action was a bit jarring. The fact that Smallville was ground-zero for last year’s Krypton invasion does mean that Smallville citizens have some reason to think of their mayor as having the duty to report on extra-worldly threats (it’s weird that Morgan Edge wasn’t a campaign issue in Smallville - I guess both Lana and the former Mayor were implicated in that disaster, so it was a wash).

It occurred to me that Jonathan has one advantage going for him. Bizarro-Jonathan wants him alive for merging. Superman and Natalie (neither of whom have analogs) don’t have that advantage. I suppose Jonathan (and other people with Bizarro-versions) could use that to their advantage (there are limitations, however - Allly didn’t mind killing Bizarro Tal-Rho).

Great moment when Jordan used Bizarro-Lana’s powers against Bizarro-Jonathan’s.

I was expecting Jonathan’s powers to kick in, too. Might’ve been interesting if he’d heard (via super hearing) Natalie or Jordan coming in.

Not my favorite episode, as it feels like they cut some stuff out. I understand the drama needed about demanding information from The Mayor, but it really didn’t pass the smell test.

LOVED red-eye jordan. Now we’ll see how well the Lang women can keep the secret from prying little daughter and father.

And I’m wondering if Clark just needs a huge infusion of solar energy. Maybe from Jordan’s heat vision?

I wonder if they’re building up to Jonathan solving the problem somehow–either by doing something himself or by figuring out how to fix it. Maybe that would help his relationship with his father.

S02E15 Waiting For Superman

SEASON FINALE - Chrissy Beppo, with the authorization of the Department of Defense, has a message for the people of Smallville, not only is the merging of planets real, it is happening.

So General Lane made it pretty clear that this is not the Earth where Flash and Supergirl live.

But John Diggle showed up - hm.

When Superman started to orbit the merging worlds, I thought that he was going to pull a Christopher Reeve and reverse time to unmerge the worlds. But he did something much cooler – he punched the worlds apart. Kara, eat your heart out!

Oh, right. Probably for the best. The Flash is moribund and the rest of Arrowverse is dead.

As gdave and I speculated in the Season 1 thread, this isn’t the Superman and Lois we thought we knew.

I had thought this show might be taking place earlier than “Crisis” and would eventually merge with the Arrowverse Earth-1. Now I am thinking it might never have anything to do with it.

Should we make a Superman and Lois Season 3 thread?


Thanks to all the changes in streaming I may have trouble accessing season 3. Poo.

The CW no longer offers the episodes on their app?

I’ll echo the question. I see Superman and Lois on the CW channel(?) on my Roku.


They do.