Supernatural: Current season, Open spoilers

Thanks for running this thread. I love the show, and own every DVD season there is. You folks seem friendlier than most of the SPN fan sites I’ve found so far.
As for the latest episode…I called it on the lance, FYI! And yeah, those damned cosmic consequences…Castiel is my favorite character, but I have a really bad feeling about his fate. Crowley’s, as well…you’d think he’d’ve learned better by now!
And BTW, I still think Death isn’t. Dead, that is. He sure didn’t look surprised when Dean hit him with that scythe; in fact, it was more of an “Oh, bother, this again?”
Oh, and I trade trivia questions (over all existing seasons) with my techie nephew from time to time. I’d be happy to do that here, but only if you’re interested. I don’t get online much, so it would be an infrequent event.

Didn’t what’s-her-name, the thief/occult reseller, steal it?
But yes, I also thought they’d run out of bullets.
Maybe the Brits know how to make more.

I’m also not sure how I feel about the British Men of Letters storyline. Of course they can keep the supernatural out of Great Britain. It’s an island the size of Wyoming. You can’t just wander in or out from a neighboring country - to get in, the non-human would have to swim or go through some official port - that’s a lot easier to monitor. There are no vast areas of wilderness to hide out in (the largest national park in England is only 900 sq. mi.). I see no reason to believe that they could repeat their success in North America even if they had free reign. Their solutions to the problem don’t transfer.

I am up for a trivia challenge, by the way. Been watching since the beginning.

“The Dukes of Haphazard” - I laughed my ass off.

We bailed out of watching Supernatural regularly at the end of Season 12 (along with Criminal Minds, which was a definite forever dropping).

We still kind of like it but believe its was treading water past season 6, not so much because of the selection of big bads (god, floaty black mist etc, lucifer 2), but just the general lack of humour in most of the episodes. Each season used to have a number of fun and interesting episodes and even the normal ones were quite funny. It had just been monster of the week, every week, all the time.

So we just didn’t start watching Season 13. Yet. The episodes are there.

But I read somewhere that the last couple of seasons of it have been really good.

Anyone still watching pass comment on it?

I’ve heard that there was a Scooby Do episode in a later season, and that sounded fun.

We are running out of other things to watch, and some shows like The Americans have finished, and soon Game of Thrones will be gone. Time to go back?

We are still enjoying Supernatural, and yes I’d say the last couple of seasons have been pretty good. And the Scooby Doo episode is awesome.

Same old stuff, over and over–if you’ve seen a couple of hundred episodes (episode 300 airs in Feburary), you’ve seen 'em all.
You can watch Scoobynatural as a standalone without knowing anything else about season 12 or 13.
It is interesting that one episode in season 13 was a backdoor pilot for a proposed spinoff-series that was never picked up, and plot-points from the dead spinoff were rolled back into season 14. I wonder how the season 14 arc would have been written if the spinoff had succeeded.

:raises hand:

Still watch every episode.

Yeah, it’s a lot better than it was a few years ago. Lucifer was brought back, which kind of returned it to its original story-line. Even Bobby has kind of been unkilled(not really, but Jim Beaver is back as “Bobby”).

It isn’t as good as the first five seasons, but it has improved from its season 10-11 dip.

Didn’t get around to watching the season 14 finale until just now. I have to hand it to them, I would have never in a million years predicted the plot of this episode. My mind was blown.

They did use a bullet unsuccessfully on him, but it wasn’t the last one. I thought they found out the way to make more ammo or modify it to take regular bullets or something like that.

The way God/Chuck acted seemed really out of character.

Also, since the gun he created turned out to shoot bullets after all, what would have happened if Dean had shot Jack?

Yes, and really clumsily so. Right up till the end I expected it to be revealed to really be the thing from The Empty screwing with them. But I guess that it really was Chuck, and just bad writing, unless there is some big twist next season.

I was looking up reviews of the episode, and in comments on a few sites some people are wondering if somehow it really isn’t Chuck, or if it will turn out to be a final test of some kind.

Seeing as how Amara doesn’t seem to be in the picture maybe she got locked up again and now Chuck has the mark and is being affected.

Other possibilities:
“Chuck” is Amara in disguise.
Chuck and Amara merged, it didn’t go well.
Some trickster?
Okay, the last one is as bad as “it was only a dream”, but it was so ham-fisted the way that they wrote Chuck in the episode and the writing is hardly ever that bad.

I think the idea is that we’ve never actually known the real Chuck, and all this time, he was just playing a part in his own little story.

Maybe they’ll go full Gnostic on us and Chuck will turn out to be the Demiurge, and that there’s actually a real God somewhere out there.

I was thinking that where they could go is to establish that Chuck is just a lesser God, and that there are much more powerful forces above him.

If they were going to continue to the show for more than one season, that would have been a good way to go. Once you’ve averted the apocalypse, how do you keep ramping up the threat? The obvious way is to make God himself a bit player in something much bigger, and expand the story. They sort of tried that with The Darkness and the Leviathans.

I’ve been thinking about that as well.

Yeah, the writers may go that rout.

I’m kind of doubting that. It looks like Death, Jack, and the Shadow are going to be the ones challenging Chuck.

New episode tonight.

They are currently replaying the last couple of episodes “Galaxy Brain” and “Destiny’s Child” on TNT.

I liked “Last Holiday” as a typical Supernatural episode, but I would have liked it more if Mrs. Butters had continued being the Bunker Mom for the rest of the show.

When the monster GPS went off and Dean yelled “We got one!” I laughed out loud at the Ghostbusters reference…and then they played “Cleanin’ Up The Town”! :rofl:

(Also, even though the spelling is off I chuckled to myself that the last name of the actress who played Mrs. Butters is “Fay”…)

I would have liked her to stick around also to the end of the show. Having the monster locater until the end could have added some neat elements. Like, it goes off and alarms when Chuck shows back up. Indicating that, yes, Chuck is actually a dick.

I didn’t really like that with so few episodes left till the end of the show that the episode was basically a filler episode. Although I did like the episode.

I’m going to be mad it if ends up being:

Penultimate episode: Chuck is back. (“Ruh-Roh” -Scooby)

Last episode: Jack kills Chuck and Amara. (Dean, “Burgers on me. No eating in Baby!” Drive off into sunset.)