Supernatural: Current season, Open spoilers

Well, I hinestly thought this had to be the last season. I mean they just had a battle with God’s sister with God on their side. Where the heck do you go from their?

I agree. After dealing with supposedly two most powerful beings in the universe if they go back to just monster of the week it’ll seem lame. I’d still watch because I like the characters though.

That’s why I like my theory that Sam got kidnapped by the Lady of Letters and taken back to London, or wherever and Dean goes to rescue him and they misunderstand each other for a bunch of episodes but eventually come to an understanding and then agree to join houses and restart the Men of Letters and recruit some people and then end the season and the show with Dean giving a speech saying, “Well God has said he’s taking a back seat to humanity so it is up to us to protect humanity.”

Hot damn, this thread is older than my Great Great Great Grandma’s shoe collection.

But I just got around to watching the newest episode and:

The boys and Crowley and Rowena had cast Lucifer out of the Presidents body and then Crowley and Rowena vanished and left the boys to get arrested by the Secret Service.

Also Kelly is a butt-face.

Actually, that’s part of the plan.

Plan, what plan? You know the plan? What is the plan? Because apparently I completely missed it.

I don’t know what the plan is, but I do know that the brothers told the others to get out of sight while they stayed and let themselves get arrested. I’m guessing that British guy will probably rescue them or something.

I just watched the newest episode, I know I’m slow on keeping current, but you were exactly right Nobody.

The British MoL found them after their escape with a thermal detecting satellite FROM SPACE!

The forest chase scene was pretty intense and once they get away and run into Cas and Mary and the Brits it seemed like all was good. But then Billy shows up and they explain how they actually escaped. AND THEN Billy wants to take a Winchester and I thought for sure that Mary was going to sacrifice herself AND THEN Cas is all “I don’t so!” and stabs Billy with the angel knife and kills here.

That was an intense episode.

When the British Men of Letters were going on about the faults of American hunters Mary should have said something like, “When our first introduction to your group is getting tortured, do you blame us for not trusting you?”

Since Castiel killed Billie I wonder what the, “consequences on a cosmic scale,” will be.

They ran out of ideas a couple of seasons ago. Then arose from the dead. Which is hardly surprising.

I’ll stay with The Boys 'til the end. Especially when Castiel & the King of Hell tag along…

Yeah…plus, what good did killing a Reaper actually do? Won’t another one just come along and still demand a Winchester? And possibly Castiel’s life, now, too, for balance/payback?

No idea. I lost track of the mythology/rules a long time ago.

I think the deal was just with Billie, and she seemed to be the only one with a grudge against the brothers.

In past episodes I don’t remember any Reapers going for revenge when a fellow reaper was killed so I’m not sure if Castiel has anything to worry about or not.

When Billie was introduced she mentioned a new Death. I don’t know if she meant that literally or not, but if so maybe a new character will be introduced.

If I had my way the old Death would be resurrected, and in gratitude he’d bring back Charlie/Celeste. Yeah, I know Felicia Day is doing the new MST3K, but I bet she’d have time to pop in an episode every now and again.

Last night’s episode was the best of the season. Funny, engaging, emotional, and wonderful.

Loved it.

Great episode.

I found it fascinating that even with all of his memories gone, Dean was still a stone-cold killer. I guess you are who you are.

Gotta say, I especially enjoyed last night’s Pulp Fictiony episode.

I loved how Dean got all happy-go-lucky the more he lost his memory.

Last nights episode was great. Killing a Prince of Hell with Michaels spear thingy. But what I really loved was Crowleys back story on how he became the King of Hell.

So, the seemingly indestructible Ramiel says simply to give back what was stolen and he’ll let everybody live. And yet Mary keeps her mouth shut. WTF?

On a positive note, I liked the reveal at the end.

The weird thing is, right when the first tried - and failed - to kill Ramiel, I thought to myself, “Now, if they had the Colt they wouldn’t have this problem… hey, what happened to the Colt? We haven’t seen it since Season 6, have we? I should look it up after the episode.” I swear, I hadn’t even *thought *about the Colt for years.

Yeah, I’d forgotten about the Colt, too…mostly I’d forgotten that they didn’t have it anymore. My reaction to the reveal was pretty much: “Wait, the Colt?? How did that guy get it?!?”

I thought the problem was they have no more bullets. Perhaps the last one was used, unsuccessfully, on Satan?