A survey, inspired by this passage from David Brooks:
"Maybe it’s time to admit the obvious. We don’t really care about diversity all that much in America, even though we talk about it a great deal. Maybe somewhere in this country there is a truly diverse neighborhood in which a black Pentecostal minister lives next to a white anti-globalization activist, who lives next to an Asian short-order cook, who lives next to a professional golfer, who lives next to a postmodern-literature professor and a cardiovascular surgeon. But I have never been to or heard of that neighborhood. Instead, what I have seen all around the country is people making strenuous efforts to group themselves with people who are basically like themselves.
Human beings are capable of drawing amazingly subtle social distinctions and then shaping their lives around them. In the Washington, D.C., area Democratic lawyers tend to live in suburban Maryland, and Republican lawyers tend to live in suburban Virginia. If you asked a Democratic lawyer to move from her $750,000 house in Bethesda, Maryland, to a $750,000 house in Great Falls, Virginia, she’d look at you as if you had just asked her to buy a pickup truck with a gun rack and to shove chewing tobacco in her kid’s mouth. In Manhattan the owner of a $3 million SoHo loft would feel out of place moving into a $3 million Fifth Avenue apartment. A West Hollywood interior decorator would feel dislocated if you asked him to move to Orange County. In Georgia, a barista from Athens would probably not fit in serving coffee in Americus."
For better AND for worse, I think Brooks is correct. Most of us, even those who idealize diversity, do NOT live in truly diverse neighborhoods or have very diverse friends. Most of us tend to congregate with people very much like ourselves (which may give us a warped perspective; recall the anecdote ascribed to Pauline Kael, who supposedly said in 1972, “How could Nixon have won? I don’t know ANYBODY who voted for him!”).
So, I ask, in terms of ethnicity, religion, politics and socio-economic class, how diverse are the people in your circle of friends? Do you have many (any?) close friends who don’t share any of your core beliefs?
And how about the neighborhood you live in?