Survivor 10/20

For whatever reason, this seems to be a trend in the last few seasons.

In earlier seasons, the tribes were more inclined to keep their own teams strong until they were forced to turn against each other at the merge. Lately, the players seem more likely to start playing a dog-eat-dog individual game right from the get-go. I’m not sure which is the better strategy, but the former made for better TV, IMO.

I can’t see any defense for not voting out the guy with the HII.

But the early concern with voting out “strong threats” actually makes sense to me. I think that what we have seen in recent seasons is the emergence of a viable strategy for the physically weaker players, who formerly could only win by the “riding a stronger person’s coattail” strategy, a risky strategy that often backfired in the final vote.

If you are a physically strong player with a shot at winning a string of individual immunities late in the game, it makes sense to “keep the tribe strong” to increase your chances of getting into the endgame.

If you are a physically weaker player, though, eliminating the physical types means that, if you make it to the endgame, you stand a better chance. Even if you don’t win a string of individual immunities, spreading those around a group means that there is no one else dominating by virtue of immunity. For this player, there is much less of a downside to weakening their own tribe early. Let your own tribe go to council and vote people out, as long as you have a secure enough alliance to be sure you aren’t the one going.

If your tribe gets too badly pagong’ed, this strategy for the weaker player fails because you get voted out quickly after the merge. But if the weaker players on the other team are playing a similar strategy, you are likely to head into the merge on a more or less even footing.

As Marty was telling his story about playing Guillermo Vilas in Chess, I went whoa! he was a tennis player not chess player. I almost got on Wiki to see if there was another guy named Guillermo Vilas who was a chess champion too. And then Marty had his confessional.

Sorry to Yve leave. (is that one of Paul Simon’s 50 Ways to Leave your Lover?)

Especially now that Marty can tell Fabio how he engineered that whole vote so he would not have to play his immunity idol.

Fabio: Wooaaa! That’s amazing! He’s a genius!

No, not Kelly B! She was my designated Survivor-crush this season :frowning:

I’m also really hating the watered down challenges. What’s next, bingo?

Jeff: “La Flor hasn’t put a coconut on ‘free space’ and is falling behind! B-6…”

Geez, this really is a lame and boring season. I literally fell asleep watching last night, and didn’t particularly care. Watching what I slept through on DVR, doesn’t seem like I missed much.


They should have voted out Marty. The only rationale I can think of is that once they blind-sided Kelly B, there was no going back. Perhaps they feared that Lynn, Jane & Kelly B would stick together, especially since no one bothered to clue Jane in about Vote #2.

I think they’re all idiots to not vote out Brenda the first chance they get. When she turned the table on Marty and accused him of putting Jane on the chopping block, she really turned the game nasty. And perhaps Jane will realize that even though the youngsters are keeping her around, she’s still low man on the totem pole.

Jill had better hope she wins immunity from now on. She was stupid to hand it over to Marty. Unless they can convince Jane to side with them, she’s a sitting duck.

Am I the only one who thinks Fabio looks like one of the Geiko Cavemen?


Yeah that who he reminds me of!

Yeah, he kind of does. But the cavemen are smarter.

I was really quite dumbfounded by the tiebreak vote, and tried to consider any reason it might make sense… here are the two situations depending on which person goes home.

  1. Marty gone. Jill alone. Kelly B knows you’re gunning for her, but can’t do anything about it (only Jill as as potential ally). New idol hidden. Fabio more secure (nobody to blind him with false genius). Jane happier (never liked Marty - she was the only one that voted for him). Even the potential concern (Kelly B. getting final(?) TC votes) seems moot, since she has only one friend, and she’s on the other tribe. And even Alina doesn’t want Kelly B. in the final, I’d have to think.

  2. Kelly gone. Marty and Jill still around with the idol. Only 5 in your block, and that’s counting on Fabio. Can’t even split the vote next time, so guessing wrong could be fatal. Marty knows he cant’ trust you, so will never make the same mistake again (not playing the idol). Jane is potentially upset you didn’t tell her the second vote. In fact it’s even possible that Brenda’s gambit at the TC (which made no sense if you’re not voting out Marty…) might backfire, if Jane believes Marty.

In the end, the comment up-thread is right on - if you want Kelly gone, just vote for Kelly. Marty will play the idol or not independent of whether anybody actually votes for him. If the goal is to remove the idol, then remove the fucking idol. GAH… the stupid burns.

Who is worth cheering for here? Marty, maybe, but he really got lucky to out-last his stupidity this week. Brenda, not after this week’s fuck up (not her first, either). Jill? Fabio? Nobody on the other tribe even registers at this point. What a crapfest.

Alina for the win!

She’s the one that was in an alliance of two on the young tribe (the other member of which just got voted out), right?

I’m happy to back your horse, but you gotta show me a path to victory. I really don’t see any long-term hope for any of the old tribe, or Alina. Any of the other young ones has a shot.

Unfortunately, Fabio is pretty much the only one of them worth rooting for (although I haven’t seen enough of Ben or Sash to form a real opinion - although Sash’s “minority alliance” BS was annoying). Even Fabio makes it difficult, what with him being really, really gullible.

Path to win? Worth rooting for? Pshaw. Alina is a cute chick, which means I want her to stay on my tv screen.

Seriously, …, ok, truth be told I was actually being serious. But to address your larger point, Alina’s best chance is to bond with Brenda’s cronies in Espada to get the oldsters out while La Flor votes Brenda out next week.

If this happens, Alina could find herself tight with all the youngsters come merge time, which would put her in quite a nice position.

The main problem is that Espada can’t win a challenge to save their lives.

Didn’t I see Fabio as an extra on “Dude! What would happen!” ?

I sort of hope Naonka will win because it will make for more outrageous players in the future. Either that or everyone will quit watching in disgust.

I will quit watching in disgust.

She is annoying.

Damn. I knew he looked familiar.

This is the only possible answer, but it’s f’n retarded. Either Marty (w/Idol and ally Jill) comes back pissed or Kelly B (no idol, no friends) comes back pissed. Easiest decision ever.

I was really rooting for Brenda. She’s gorgeous and until last night, seemed really smart and in control of her tribe. Now I don’t know what to do. She’s only gorgeous. Is that enough to keep rooting for her?
